Planning Commission mulls new requirements for above lower-income protected units


West Hollywood’s Planning Commission is set to consider a proposed Zone Text Amendment on Thursday that would update the replacement requirements for above lower-income protected units in new housing projects. The amendment is in line with Assembly Bill 2556, which was passed to maintain and rebuild affordable units as new housing stock emerges and displacement concerns arise.

The proposed amendment would require the replacement of protected units occupied by households earning above lower-income (greater than the low affordable category as determined by HUD) as deed-restricted affordable units. These units would account for up to 35 percent of the total units in a proposed housing development, with any remainder of the required replacement units subject to rent stabilization.

The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the matter, listen to all pertinent testimony, and is expected to adopt the following Resolution: Draft Resolution No. PC 23-1516. This resolution recommends the City Council’s approval of amendments to Title 19, the Zoning Ordinance of the West Hollywood Municipal Code, to update replacement requirements of above lower-income protected units in new housing projects.

The proposed amendment is a response to the City Council’s directive on October 17, 2022, to prepare a Zone Text Amendment reflecting the City’s election for the replacement of above lower-income units in new housing projects per Assembly Bill 2556.

The proposed Zone Text Amendment aims to explicitly address above lower-income protected units and to what affordability level is required. It adds two new subsections to Section 19.22.030 (Affordable Units Required) of the West Hollywood Municipal Code (WHMC).

The proposed amendment is consistent with the Primary Strategic Goals and Ongoing Strategic Programs of Affordable Housing and Support People through Social Services. It is also compliant with the goals of the West Hollywood General Plan: Provide affordable rental housing, Encourage a diverse housing stock to address the needs of all socioeconomic segments of the community, and Provide for a government environment that facilitates housing development and preservation.


The proposed zone text amendment is statutorily exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under State CEQA Guidelines, § 15061(b)(3), as it does not have the potential to result in an effect on the environment.

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