Local leaders go to bat for Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence


Elected officials representing West Hollywood spoke out against the L.A. Dodgers’ decision to disinvite the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence from their Pride festivities. Here are a few of their statements:


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Straight Arrow
Straight Arrow
1 year ago

Ask yourself one simple question. Would a straight person make such an issue out of being straight? Some things are best left as they are.

1 year ago

The Sisters have been around for many years and nobody said a word, now all of a sudden the pearl clutchers are losing their minds over them. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so pathetic. Get a life people, this group isn’t hurting you.

1 year ago

The lgbtq community it just the latest boogeyman for the gop. They’ve done this for years…give people somebody to hate fires up their base every time. Muslims are played out, immigrate played out, now it’s the gays turn again.

Self hatred
Self hatred
1 year ago

One member made this statement: “I want to criticize and poke fun at the roles of women and men too. I want to show how not normal I can be. I want to ridicule and destroy the whole cosmology of restrictive sex roles and sexual identification.” Seems primarily self serving and raising 40,000 per year so one can be considered a charitable organization is a sham. Seems ultimately self-destructive as well.

Vic Garcia
Vic Garcia
1 year ago

Not sure why the Dodgers do this night at all. I know the fans certainly don’t want it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Vic Garcia
1 year ago

the dogers need all the help they can get- they cut the sisters- then this catholic will pray to send them to last place hell- IN A HANDBAG

Pete Strohl
Pete Strohl
1 year ago
Reply to  jacktwist

they’ll manage just fine……that night is the least attended game of the year for a reason.

1 year ago
Reply to  Pete Strohl

Do you have any evidence to show this is the least attended game?

1 year ago

Have you ever seen a fully garbed nun in her same old habit swoop by on bicycle? These are women of tremendous personal integrity, energy and style. And they are far above being insulted by imitations or men paying tribute by being in drag. My feeling is that most nuns would advise the Dodgers to pray it up to Jesus and have a good laugh. Drag is a high form of tribute; not to be mocked or ridiculed. As old as Methusaleh and since I am Jewish girl who had moments of nun worship in grade school (my friends were… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  CHLOE ROSS

Id love to see how tolerant and turn the other cheek you’d all be with openly anti Semitic drag acts

It would somehow be “different” and “not the same”

WeHo Conscience
WeHo Conscience
1 year ago
Reply to  Crookies

Anti-Semitism is hate and warrants full opposition. Drag is not. HUGE difference.

Self Hatred
Self Hatred
1 year ago

It it hate. Self hatred.

1 year ago
Reply to  Self Hatred

Drag is the opposite of hatred. It’s full of love and self-expression.

Go to a drag show and see the joy it brings people.

1 year ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

If I’ve learned any lessons from recent national and local news its that drag is adult audience appropriate and not every adult appreciates it at that. Turns out forcing tolerance and love down people’s throats is counterproductive. Who knew!

1 year ago
Reply to  Crookies

No one is forcing you to do anything. This is a designated PRIDE night for the LGBT community. Anyone who has a problem with that wouldn’t be going to the game anyway.

David Greenberg
David Greenberg
1 year ago

If you dress up as a Rabbi it is. Not sure why people can’t see how offensive this is.

1 year ago

Amazing. Your response couldn’t have proved my point any better

1 year ago
Reply to  Crookies

You don’t have any point.

Anti-semitism is the discrimination and viewing of Jews as “lesser than”. It is literal hatred.

Drag is an art form that lets people express themselves. It’s fun, dumb, silly, and thought provoking. It doesn’t discriminate.

Self hatred
Self hatred
1 year ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

An art form? Keep telling yourself that one. Making one’s self the object of public ridicule wherever these events are held is beyond comprehension. And forcing people or legislating people to accept this is mindless, just another controversy that will never be settled. Drag on!

1 year ago
Reply to  Self hatred

I just realized your username is how you’re projecting throughout this whole conversation.

1 year ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

It’s not just drag. No one would give a hoot at the Dodgers if it was just men dressing made up like women in the year of our lord, 2023.

Your wont is to be disingenuous and in this point your strategy is no different. Dressing up like a nun, a satanic nun no less, is a mocking and insulting act – some might even use the word hateful.

1 year ago

So a religion that fully supports the oppression of LGBTQ people and women’s reproductive rights – not to mention covered up years and years of sexual abuse – is all of a sudden offended by a group of men dressed as nuns satirizing them. Are you kidding me??? They are dressed as nuns BECAUSE of this – fair game if you ask me. Stay home and don’t watch the game if it bothers you – it’s one game out of the year.

1 year ago
Reply to  SeeMe

Public school teachers abuse kids per capita at 100 times the rate catholic clerics do. Are you saying calling them groomers and agreeing with the republican right is the correct stance?

Qanon much?
Qanon much?
1 year ago
Reply to  Crookies

Show me the stats?! Instead of just pulling stuff out of your @$$.

Weho Mary!
Weho Mary!
1 year ago
Reply to  SeeMe

That’s fine that you think that, and I don’t necessarily disagree with your view of the Catholic Church. However, religion is also cultural, and some fans may be offended by this group because they’re mocking their religion, and therefore, their culture. Would you support someone mocking a Filipino woman who just came back to work after an Ash Wednesday Mass? Coming to work with ashes on your forehead is kind of ridiculous, and it’s a symbol of their religion, which we disagree with. However, the right thing to do is to respect their cultural/religious traditions, rather than mock them.

1 year ago

Everyone’s all hot and bothered because deliberate provocation met with disgust ans outrage – I mean how dare they!?

This is exactly what you wanted

1 year ago

Compared to utterly worthless Lindsey Horvath, Weho’s Sepi Shyne is like Indira Gandhi, Golda Meir and Carly Fiorina combined (but without the looks). Isn’t it interesting how antigay Lindsey, who erased mentions of West Hollywood in her campaign literature, now is supposedly some champion of gay civil rights.

1 year ago

You have to be totally clueless to think baseball fans care about this at all. They’re not part of the L@BTWA nonsense created by the likes the dreadful Madame Mayor Shine, Dr Pearl Erickson along with that refugee from Arizona Chelsea Byers. The drag queens should demonstrate against the Roman Catholic Industrial Complex which is making over a billion dollars handling all the illegal aliens coming over the border. Plus, guess what, they’re taking alk the unaccompanied children too except the 85,000 that have gone missing. Who are now being obviously put into the sex trafficking industry run by politicians… Read more »

Free thinker
Free thinker
1 year ago
Reply to  Tweetmysh@t

If they did, they might actually challenge the system and do some good in the world

1 year ago

These so-called representatives jump at the chance to score a quick point in the culture wars, but are suddenly silent when confronted with real issues by their constituents.

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