More migrants from Texas arrive in L.A.


Another bus containing migrants from Texas arrived in downtown Los Angeles Saturday, the fifth to arrive here since June 14, Mayor Karen Bass’ office announced.

“One bus with migrants on board from Texas arrived around 11:30 AM PT today at Union Station,” the mayor’s office said. “The city has continued to work with city departments, the county, and a coalition of nonprofit organizations, in addition to our faith partners, to execute a plan set in place earlier this year. As we have before, when we became aware of the bus yesterday, we activated our plan.”

No further information was immediately available about the latest arrivals.

Before Saturday’s bus arrived, the most recent arrival took place Tuesday, when a bus of migrants that originated in Brownsville, Texas arrived at Union Station.

The L.A. Welcome Collective said those immigrants were from Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras and Venezuela.

The group, which is composed of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice, Central American Resource Center-Los Angeles, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights, Esperanza Immigration Rights Project, and Immigrant Defenders Law Center, issued a statement Wednesday.


“The L.A. Welcomes Collective reiterates our commitment to work hand in hand with our City of Los Angeles and County of Los Angeles partners to receive and guide asylum seekers when they arrive,” the L.A. Welcome Collective said. “As a united front, we hope to serve as a beacon of hope to those seeking safe harbor as well as advocate for every human being be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of immigration status. Our purpose as non- profit organizations serving immigrants for decades is to help each Angeleno be fully integrated into society. We do not want to play politics with people’s lives. We will strive to do everything possible to maximize our limited resources until the busing of migrants stops or until we as a nation find a way to fix and improve a broken immigration system.”

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles issued the following statement Saturday afternoon in response to the latest arrival:

“… Our Archdiocese was founded by immigrants and we will continue to welcome our migrant brothers and sisters with open arms. We are honored to take part in the LA Welcomes Collective and the vital work being undertaken by each of our partner organizations. We are called to show compassion through accompaniment and pastoral care. As a united front, we hope to serve as a beacon of hope to those seeking safe harbor as well as advocate for every human being to be treated with dignity and respect. Our work to help migrants is that of mercy, emulating the love of God for his people.”

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott recently proclaimed his state’s border region “overrun” and hinted that more shipments of immigrants could follow.

“Texas’ small border towns remain overwhelmed and overrun by the thousands of people illegally crossing into Texas from Mexico because of President Biden’s refusal to secure the border,” Abbott said in a statement after the first bus arrived. “Los Angeles is a major city that migrants seek to go to, particularly now that its city leaders approved its self-declared sanctuary city status. Our border communities are on the front lines of President Biden’s border crisis, and Texas will continue providing this much- needed relief until he steps up to do his job and secure the border.”

In June, the Los Angeles City Council unanimously passed a motion directing the city to draft a “Sanctuary City” ordinance that, when passed, would prohibit any city resources, property or personnel from being utilized for any federal immigration enforcement.

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1 year ago

And whats the problem with Texas sending us immigrants? Diversity is our strength. We only get rich with more immigrants here. Our gain is Texas loss. Not sure why all these bigots are complaining about this.

1 year ago
Reply to  Val

Yea ask Eric Adams, the mayor of New York, how he’s liking them. That’s why he’s bussing them out of NYC.

1 year ago
Reply to  Val

nice sarcasm.

1 year ago
Reply to  Melrose

huh? You don’t feel the same? Ok trumper

1 year ago

100,000+ come into the US per month or 1,200,000. per year.
The US has a failed border policy yet the states and cities give refuge/sanctuary to the illegal immigrants.

What happened to Trump’s promise to build, the would be assumed to to mean complete the wall at Mexico’s expense. 47 miles completed in 4 years taking an eternity to complete. What happened to Trump’s superb negotiation skills with President of Mexico?

To use an old phrase, continually settling for the sizzle rather than the steak is foolish. Sheep don’t necessarily need to pass IQ tests yet they proliferate.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sheep

You’re not factoring into the total miles of fence built that most of it was replacement of what had been called a “fence” before but was, in many cases only a roadblock for vehicles that any human being could easily step over. Trump had to deal with a Congress that was going to stop him from building the fence in any way they could by withholding funds, suing him, and by making materials unavailable as long as possible. Trump’s negotiating skills convinced Mexico to use their military to block the border to the US of all migrants attempting to cross… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

In response, obtaining the approval of Congress was never part of the deal since he convinced the public that Mexico would pay. So under the plan you suggested, how do you account for the multitudes still arriving and I did note 100,000 PLUS if you look carefully.

Trump has always been known for exaggerated film-flammery or excessive bloviation which has largely resulted in what we now experience.

Time will tell, unfortunately we will experience exponential problems and the immigrants unnecessary horrors.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sheep

Good lord, Sheep, Congress has the power to stop any president from doing most things he wants to do. And I said, Biden reversed everything Trump did with this issue.

I’m surprised I have to point this out.

Conscious Choices.
Conscious Choices.
1 year ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

Did Trump feel he had an eternal time frame? Deluded himself into believing he would be president for life. He failed on both counts. But I have to agree with you somewhat as Alejandro Mayorkas doesn’t not get it.

1 year ago

Oh, Alejandro Mayorkas gets it! He knows exactly what he’s doing. He is flooding the country with an underclass who will be dependent on the government (the Democrat party) and who will be reliable voters to keep Dems in power for decades to come. Black and Hispanic American voters are moving more and more towards the Republicans so they have to import more voters to fill the void. It’s as simple as that!

Conscious Choices.
Conscious Choices.
1 year ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

Where is your letter to Mayorkas or where is your testimony before any committee to reverse this cynical view you have expressed? Your megaphone is only within the walls of Weho.

1 year ago

You know nothing about me, my sphere of influence, nor my activism. You wouldn’t know me if I knocked on your door.

Eastside Straight Girl
Eastside Straight Girl
1 year ago
Reply to  Sheep

Hmmmm, last time I checked, Trump was not the current president.Biden in the basement strategy is still looming with now over 6 million non vaccinated immigrants coming over the border. It is irresponsible on his part to say the least especially with the monumental homeless problem that this country has right now.

1 year ago

The comment was in relation to the Trump promise of allegedly curing the immigration issue with the wall. Do you mind telling us to what you attribute or verify the 6 million non-vaccinated immigrants? Please be coherent.

1 year ago

So here you are commenting on immigrants when you haven’t explained what steps you took to influence the future of the TEMPLE BETH EL. Would you care to comment?

1 year ago

OMG, this is a sanctuary City. They must be welcome. We represent everything that Woke stands for. However, I certainly would be very cautious in welcoming any unaccompanied minors who crossed the border since we know West Hollywood has a history of sexual deviance like Ed Buck. And of course there are many registered sex avengers in the area. But I’m sure tte fabulous city council will find an answer. Perhaps John Erickson will ask them to share his home like he was doing with women who where coming to California to have an abortions.

1 year ago

“Well, I have a spare bedroom, so maybe I can take in a couple migrants. I’m sure after a month or two they will be gainfully employed and will be able to get a place of their own, and I’ll be so proud of myself for helping those poor souls and will be sure to tell everyone I meet what I did so maybe I can get some kind of award for my humanitarianism.”

1 year ago

More homeless, drugs, crime, welfare babies, and bigger illegal alien ghettos. Basically, recreating the slums they came from while displacing poor Americans and driving them deeper into poverty.
Karen Bass is a Communist whose mentor is Fidel Castro. This is the kinda of person LA voted to run the city because she used the term “Democrat”.

1 year ago

West Hollywood has many empty storefront they can live in until we replace this entire council.

Too Much
Too Much
1 year ago

Our progressives declared it a “sanctuary city”. A city without the enforcement of laws. Isn’t it great? It’s what they wanted after all.

1 year ago
Reply to  Too Much

Then they will pack up and move to ruin new places. Not one city in this country run by Far Left Democrats has not be turned into a Third World Slum. But you will find most of them live behind WALLS.

1 year ago
Reply to  Mikey

And they still vote in progressives who continue to destroy cities because their ideology trumps actual reality. The democratic party is like frog who agrees to let a scorpion ride across the pond on his back…and after he is stung, neither one make it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Too Much

Yup. Only fitting that Texas sends them our way since CA has pledge to give all kinds of benefits to those that skirt the law and enter the county illegally. I’m sure they’ll just raise our taxes even more to help pay for all. But what will happen when enough people say “that’s it” and move out of state and the tax base shrinks further…what then?

1 year ago
Reply to  Enough!

And Democrats force taxpayers to pay for them with HIGH taxes. That’s how they use suckers. Peel back the fake label DEMOCRAT and you have “Scamming Far Left Political Elite”