Ex-sheriff Alex Villanueva is running for Board of Supervisors


Former L.A. County Sheriff Alex Villanueva is expected to announce today that he’s running for a spot on the County Board of Supervisors.

Villanueva, who led the department from 2018 through 2022, will challenge Supervisor Janice Hahn for her seat in next year’s election.

During his tenure, the sheriff and the all-female Board of Supervisors were arch-nemeses. His sharp tongue, tough-on-crime approach and refusal to kowtow irked the “five little queens,” as they are known colloquially. He fought back against their attempts to usurp his autonomy and accused them of harboring ambitions to dominate the county government. He later opened the bribery investigation against then-Supervisor Sheila Kuehl that’s now in the hands of the state attorney general.

In November 2022, Villanueva lost his re-election bid to current Sheriff Robert Luna. The strained relationship led the Board to pass a ballot measure that gave themselves the almost unheard-of power to remove the sheriff if they deem appropriate.

A win by Villanueva would signal a clear rebuke of the Board’s ultraprogressive policies by voters. It would spell the end of the “Sisterhood of Supervisors,” as Supervisor Lindsey Horvath once referred to it.

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10 months ago

During the scamdemic Villanueva defended our Constitutional rights while the rest of our “leaders” took a steaming dump on them.

Legend in his own Mind
Legend in his own Mind
10 months ago

A “Legend in his own Mind”. A pompous individual that has no place in governmental affairs. Plus, not a very likable individual.

10 months ago

He’s a kook, but it might be amusing to see the collective heads explode when he is sworn in..

10 months ago

His sharp tongue, tough-on-crime approach and refusal to kowtow irked the “five little queens,” as they are known colloquially. He fought back against their attempts to usurp his autonomy and accused them of harboring ambitions to dominate the county government.”

Wow, Brandon could you at least *try* to sound unbiased here? How about bringing up the scandals Villanueva was involved in?

Simple Ask
Simple Ask
10 months ago

Could Wehoville find a more authentic photo Janice Hahn?

10 months ago

Wow, this wacko ex-sheriff wants to become a county supervisor.This guy will end up fighting with his elected collegues over every little thing.

I hope the voters in Hahn’s district look this guy over carefully during the primary.If they believe his campaign promises,he will get elected and they will be hoodwinked. Look for a lot of dysfunction at the board if he is elected.

Janice Hahn looks worn out in the photo above.I bet Villanueva will want it for his campaign materials.

10 months ago

That would be fabulous if he took her seat. His vote would still be overridden by the majority that think with one progressive whack job mindset.

10 months ago

I knew there was a reason he was on so many Fox News segments and MAGA podcasts. Can’t wait for LA voters to reject him (again)

Dump Shyne and Erickosn
Dump Shyne and Erickosn
10 months ago

The Board of Supervisors is like some woman’s coffee hour with incompetent women running it, highlighted by the dreadful Lindsey Horvath!

Carleton cronin
10 months ago

Get the bug spray – fast!

Larrabee 1
Larrabee 1
10 months ago

Lets hope he wins.

10 months ago

Next to Lee Baca, the worst LA County Sheriff in the last 30 years. He was in over his head from the get go and set the department back years. Hahn, who is anything but an ultra progressive, is a very well respected supervisor from a family with generations of public service. It will not be a close race, Hahn will win handily.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
10 months ago
Reply to  Kevin

At least Lee Baca had legitimate mental health issues…
Hahn has been a great friend to West Hollywood and a reliable ally to the LGBTQ community, which is more than I can say for the reactionary whack job, Villanueva. If there was ever a post child for eliminating the position of an elected Sheriff, Villanueva is it.

10 months ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

This post is an object lesson that despite your attempts at re-election its better for the city you’re not. With this level of thinking I’d rather have the current crazy gang..

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