Israel advocacy group blasts Chelsea Byers for silence on attacks


The Israeli-American Civic Action Network on Monday retweeted a post by West Hollywood Councilmember Chelsea Byers supporting Palestinian interests in Gaza with the message “Oops. You missed one when you were trying to whitewash your history. We’re never going to let anyone forget who you really are.”

Byers’ post on X, from 2011, reads: “How is #its2hot2that trending but #Gaza isn’t trending?? Maybe #bogus will start trending….”

Byers has not yet made a public comment on the death raids conducted by Hamas on the Jewish people this past weekend.


The councilwoman has faced accusations of antisemitism and anti-Zionism in the past and has been a longtime advocate of the Palestinians. She recently returned from a trip to Israel hosted by the American Jewish Council’s Project Interchange.


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izveidot binance kontu
5 months ago

Can you be more specific about the content of your article? After reading it, I still have some doubts. Hope you can help me.


[…] Gaza. An outspoken critic of the Israeli government’s treatment of the Palestinians, Byers faced renewed accusations of antisemitism when she did not immediately condemn Hamas’ […]


[…] people exist here in California, including two of the City Councilmembers here in West Hollywood, Chelsea Byers and Sepi Shyne. There is nothing progressive about supporting terrorists or standing idly in the […]

1 year ago

The first thing I look at in a city council member is their stance on international politics. Can’t think of anything more important!

Take Responsibility
Take Responsibility
1 year ago

If Chelsea Byers actually stands with the Palestinians she should muster up the backbone and have enough integrity to articulate her reasoning.

1 year ago

And what about Sepi? She rightfully has so been outspoken about the Iranian Regime in the past, going on and on at council meetings, on her social media, but why now no words on the same regime funding these horrific attacks. Maybe it’s ok with her cause it’s only Israelis. Sepi, are you an anti semite?

1 year ago
Reply to  Eric

Did you take even a minute to look at her page?

I condemn the attacks by Hamas and the terror groups from Gaza on Israel and her people,The United States stands with the people of Israel as they once again bravely face horrific violence. As someone who has experienced this kind of terror and violence, these actions never lead to peace and my heart goes out to both the Israeli and Palestinian civilians caught in this horrible conflict. Israel has the right to defend itself and this violence must be universally condemned.”

1 year ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Good, turns out I missed it, but thanks for pointing it out. Would be nice to see more from Miss Major.

1 year ago

She didn’t say one word opposing what happened. Instead she posted smiles and rainbows. Why was this terrorist supporter ever allowed into our city, Lindsey Horvath, John Erickson? So, instead we have this blatant supporter of terrorism sitting on council, she should be removed. How do we allow this. Shame on anyone who helped her to to where she is, you all should be ashamed as you watch what’s going on. Disgrace!

1 year ago
Reply to  Eric

She is owned by the bed-makers thug union. Remember, they want $30 an hour. The freeloaders and rent control lovers have blood on their hands.

1 year ago

First of all, this group has little legitimacy. They don’t list principals, status, or much of anything on their website AND they are not even a registered 501(c)(3) organization – so they don’t have charity (non-profit) status. Second of all, supporting Palestinians, which I do, does not mean support for Hamas (which I don’t). Plenty of righteous fury at targeting innocent civilians, but what do you think the Israeli army and air force are doing, with US support, in Gaza? 10/9/23 The IDF reportedly struck 500 targets in the Gaza Strip overnight, including the densely populated Jabalia refugee camp, causing… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Joshua88


Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago
Reply to  Joshua88

The spokesperson for the group attaches his real name to the debate and thus bears more credibility than an anonymous crank on WEHOville. That, and all Chelsea Byers has to do is condemn Hamas, or at least make a statement of non-support, as you have done, albeit in anonymity.

1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg


Hypocrisy is your strong suit.

You repeatedly reply to/and encourage anonymous commenters who align with your views. But anyone who goes against the grain is automatically a crank or part of the “cabal”. Remember that anti-semitic term you like to use?

Take Responsibility
Take Responsibility
1 year ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

It is generally the substance of a message pro or con that is important and the manner in which it is delivered. A claim of hypocrisy does not appear accurate. A public forum is an opportunity to put one’s best self forward.

1 year ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Alan is one of the few commenters here willing to attach his name and share his opinion, we may disagree on some issues but it’s unacceptable to call him anti-Semitic, especially for standing up to the corrupt politicians like John Erickson who troll these forums anonymously, GEG

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago
Reply to  West

Thank you for that West. I frankly don’t give a rat’s patootie about the drivel of GEG, who seems obsessed with me. If someone wants to bastardize a word’s meaning, have at it. Foisting a label onto me for the use of a word with a perfectly fine definition is intellectually lazy sport and I don’t care to engage with lazy.

1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

“Jews have long been accused of being part of a secret group that controls the economic and political world order. The term cabal originates from the word kabbalah, the Jewish mystical interpretation of the Hebrew Bible. Its sinister use was popularized in A Child’s History of England by Charles Dickens when it was used as an acronym for five English government ministers during the reign of King Charles II. Today, often denoted as “Jewish cabal” on social media, it is a dog whistle for Jewish control “ So you don’t accept ADL and AJC’s classification of cabal being anti-semitic? I just want to… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Other phrases and gestures designated by ADL as hate speech:

—The “OK” symbol. You know, this one “👌🏻“

—The bowl cut hairstyle.

—The numbers “12”, “13”, “14”, “18”, “28”, “38”, “43”, “83” & “100”.

—“ACAB”— an acronym for “All Cops Are B@stards”.

“I have nothing to say”— ADL claims that White supremacists assert that these five words should be the only words spoken to police officers. (invoking your 5th Amendment Right is white supremacy?)

ADL is not a reasonable defining authority of anti-semitism, or US foreign policy.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago
Reply to  West

West, note that the word “picnic” is now considered racist in some circles.

1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

Brandon Garcia is the WEHOville managing director.
Where is this vaunted spokesperson’s name?????
How in the world did I miss it?

I may be anonymous here, but I am not a crank and I am not anybody you know or think you know.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago
Reply to  Joshua88

Allow me to do your homework for you. The Israeli-American CIvic Action Network is an affiliate of the Israeli-American Civic Education Institute which is indeed a registered 501(c)3 organization. Regardless, non-profit status is not a prerequisite for engagement in civic discource. Additionally, your 10/9/23 dateline is roughly 48 hours AFTER the 10/7/23 Hamas attack on Israel. Chronology matters.

1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

The Institute has little more credence than the affiliate. They post little information of worth, either. About Us? Nonexistent. The three points I mentioned before their non-status, you completely glossed over. Civic discourse is welcome but when hiding behind a minor organization, don’t expect me to be impressed by their “blast” of Council-member Byers. And another thing: I found the most recent news on the war, so my chronology was spot on. I posted it for a reason, but It apparently went way over your head, Mr Strasburg. “Retaliation.” What about the targeting of innocent Palestinian citizens, refugees, and children?… Read more »

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago
Reply to  Joshua88

Happy to have a point-counterpoint debate with you any day. I’m in the book.

1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

Appreciate it.

1 year ago
Reply to  Joshua88

What a bunch of BS that you post. You know nothing about the subject.

1 year ago
Reply to  Morty

Tell me, then, what did I get wrong?

Weho B
Weho B
1 year ago
Reply to  Joshua88

Joshua88 you absolutely need to do more research on this topic. Israel does not target innocent Palestinian citizens, refugees, or children. Hamas does. Israel goes out of their way to ensure the safety of civilians – including putting their own soldiers in harms way to try to save as many Palestinian citizens as possible. Hamas does not let their civilians be saved. They do not let them leave or flea an area that Israel as warned them will be targeted. Hamas puts their headquarters underneath a hospital, their rocket launchers next to apartment buildings, with the sole purpose of hurting… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Joshua88

If your next door neighbor threatened to violently kill you and was only interested in your total destruction how is it possible to have peace with them? Hamas is not interested in peace . They have never been interested in peace. It’s unfortunate but Iran is using the Palestinian people through Hamas as their proxy to destroy Israel. They do not care about the suffering of the Palestinian people because if they did the millions they send to Gaza would go for peaceful humanitarian purposes it would not go to building bomb factories and other military facilities. You live in… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Morty

The same can be said for the progressive liberally minded people who live on a Kibutz. Hama dont care, they want the complete annihilation of Israel. Bless you and Weho B for attempting to sink some light into a seriously misguided Joshy88 who has clearly bought into the Hamas lies.

1 year ago

I would not believe a word that comes from Chelsea Byers, particularly on this issue. There’s every reason to believe she is celebrating the death of the Israelis, despite whatever crafted statement she may put out.

1 year ago

Anyone reading this article should be sure to click on the phrases that are printed in red! They contain overwhelming evidence of Chelsea Byers history of anti-Israel, and anti-semitic opinions and actions, and her pro-Hamas support! She never addressed this in the past! She must address it now in light of what has happened in Israel at the hands of Hamas!

1 year ago

Silence = Compliance.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
1 year ago
Reply to  Enough!

Who really cares what she thinks? If Byers said something denouncing Hamas, people would accuse her of being insincere. Whatever she said in 2011 hardly has much relevancy regarding these attacks. Given the actions of the current government of Israel, resistance should have been expected. The Palestinians and the Israelis both deserve leadership that is brave enough to endorse a just peace. Tragically, that is not the case.

1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

Appreciate your perspective

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

What Ms. Byers thinks matters only when she injects her provincial viewpoints on any matter of global significance in her tragically naive and wholly insincere attempts at representing West Hollywood’s interests on numerous issues, as she does frequently.

Weho B
Weho B
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

It absolutely matters what Chelsea Byers thinks and says, both from 2011 and today. Just as it matters what you say Steve. Trying to justify these barbaric acts as “resistance” absolutely matters and says a lot about you. There is no way any rational being can look at what happened this weekend – murdering the elderly, children, concert-goers, rape, beheading, burning people alive – and justify that as resistance. “Just peace” – what a great idea! Every civilized nation in the world wants peace. Who doesn’t want peace? Hamas. Iran. And the rest of the antisemitic world hoping the ethnic… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

Steve, I wonder if you were possibly sleep writing or something when you wrote this absolute garbage, hard to believe these words came out of your mouth, clearly I completely mis read your intellect and seemingly level headed approach. Thinking you must have thad this insane mindset when 9/11 happened and dismissed it all on resistance, what a disappointment, wow, just wow.

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago
Reply to  Eric

I often disagree with Steve, but I would never question or attack his intellect.

1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

Neither would have I, until now.

Weho B
Weho B
1 year ago
Reply to  Eric

I’m right there with you Eric. I honestly could not believe that was Steve writing. One of the ONLY good things about an attack like this is that is shows who people really are. Puts the antisemitism right out there on the table. I believe I have already made my point very clear but just in case.. Steve – Hamas does not want peace. Israel does. Hamas is a terrorist organization with the below quotes pulled from their charter – “Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

If Steve’s intellect is not in question, then he is just an antisemite.

Weho Guy
Weho Guy
1 year ago
Reply to  Alan Strasburg

What I find the most interesting is that there are land disputes happening right now all of the world, the most notable happening in Ukraine. And yet I haven’t heard Steve Martin give an opinion one way or the other on a single one of those. But he gives an opinion when it involves the Jewish state and its people. This is antisemitism.