DEAR WEHO 🔹 Scooters hog energy, harangue elderly


Dear Mayor, Mayor Pro Tempore and Councilmembers:

The staff report for the Dockless Micro-Mobility Pilot Program talks about how many trips have been taken on E-Scooters, how many miles that equals, and how many metric tons of CO2 cars would have produced had they been driven those miles instead of E-Scooters. This helps the City of West Hollywood achieve its laudable aim of reducing greenhouse gases. Except that the survey conducted for the city shows that “…micromobility trips taken by residents most often replace walking trips (66%), and 26% replace a car trip.” This means that the E-Scooters are actually contributing to climate change. The electricity used to charge these scooters for people to ride, rather than walk 66% of the time, may be generated by natural gas, which is a non-renewable fossil fuel, or even nuclear power.

The Dockless Micro-Mobility Pilot Program contributes to Climate Change.

And it is dangerous for our elderly and disable residents. E-Scooters ridden illegally on sidewalks endanger all of us. Ones left abandon on sidewalks and streets block the way for those in wheelchairs and who use canes or walkers. This city prides itself on its efforts to make sure our residents can Age in Place. Why would we make permeant a program which endangers them every single day?

My grandmother had polio. She walked with a cane and eventually a walker. I had to think of her a few weeks ago when I went for a walk on my street and encountered an E-Scooter left blocking the sidewalk entirely. She would have never been able to get around it. Many of our residents would not have either. All so 66% of riders could have a joyride rather than just walk.

If this really is about the environmental impact, may I suggest a personal choice anyone can make to have a real positive impact; Go Vegan! According to an Oxford University study (Fight the Climate Crisis by Going Vegan | PETA) the greenhouse-gas emissions of meat-eaters are between 99 and 102 percent higher than mine as a Vegan. Water usage is also greatly impacted. The production of 1 pound of beef consumes 2,500 gallons of water (Keep showering, California. Just lay off the burgers & nuts. | by Leslie (Ziegler) Schrock | Medium). Two hamburgers use enough water for the average person to shower for a year.

This is a personal choice you can make to actually help the environment. You can also vote to end the Dockless Micro-Mobility Pilot Program. An overall contributor to greenhouse gases and a danger to many of our residents.


My Best,

George Nickle

19 Year Resident of West Hollywood


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1 year ago

George, I too live on Norton …for over thirty years – so we are neighbors. With NO desire to be taken to jail for any crime, my urge to. throw those scooters into the street is overwhelming. I don’t do it. but there is a way to monetize these eyesores and trip hazards for the benefit of the CITY!!! It is legal and simple and rests with the companies who own them. I would be happy to share this possible solution with anyone in WeHo who might be genuinely interested in ending the problem. I would be happy to detail… Read more »

1 year ago

I watched the scooter debate this past Monday. So, Chelsea doesn’t like to take a bus which she said were unreliable. That makes me think she never has taken a bus. Try it, they work and there are lots of routes in WeHo but she has only lived here a relatively short time so maybe she does’t know about them (sarcasm intended). And what world does she reside in to say/infer that we should rid everyone of vehicles (FYI – I do not own a vehicle). This is a pipe dream that will only come true after a global nuclear… Read more »

Carleton cronin
1 year ago

Not just the scooters. Narrow sidewalks, cut-through traffic, badly timed crossing lights, pedestrians on their phones, city planners lack of vision in laying out streets, etc. Scooter companies should be required to monitor scooters’ drop=off points….

1 year ago

The author’s Linkedin profile states he’s presently, “Public Safety Commissioner, City of West Hollywood.” Did he write this in his official capacity?
And how many people with walkers are walking more than 25 feet?
I just don’t buy scooters are behind our climate crisis and armies of elderly folks with walkers are trapped on the sidewalk.

he should know better
he should know better
1 year ago
Reply to  Scott

commissioners just underwent a training about this- it was stated that it is not acceptable to write an opinion as an appointed official

Responsible Behavior
Responsible Behavior
1 year ago

George wrote and spoke as a private citizen to which he is entitled to do. And to Scott who appears to have little respect for others and understanding of the energy situation George pointed out, please do better.

1 year ago

“All so 66% of riders could have a joyride rather than just walk.”

While I’m sure there are people who use scooters just for kicks, this is a mode of affordable transportation to try to be productive in society for the vast majority of riders. Comments like this right here just smack of being out of touch with the other.

Responsible Behavior
Responsible Behavior
1 year ago
Reply to  C.R.

People that rent scooters by nature feel less of a connection to ride them and care for them responsibly. Why not promote ownership, licensing and appropriate traffic citations. If you own it, chances are you will not leave it strewn about the sidewalk and after a few citations, you may reconsider your behavior.

C. R.
C. R.
1 year ago

Again, you are suggesting people who may not have much money be forced to buy and then license these things rather than merely pay the low rental cost. I don’t support making it harder for that group of people, like some others here do. I’m always going to support punching up, never down.

Responsible Behavior
Responsible Behavior
1 year ago
Reply to  C. R.

Perhaps you may have missed out on math and logic but the comment by Steve below states the facts

1 year ago

The comment by Steve clearly states he had been regularly renting scooters for several years. I can only assume you’re randomly assuming that most or even all riders are long termers and have spent the same monetary rental amount as Steve, rather than a myriad group with varying duration or ridership. And then there’s the issue of being able to afford food, rent and being able to set aside a fund to buy a scooter, which is not going to be uniform. But yeah, logic and stuff. Try me again sometime, see how that goes for ya.

Responsible Behavior
Responsible Behavior
1 year ago
Reply to  C.R.

Mr. C.R., I assumed nothing, only referring you to another comment which offered a general range of the finances. As for your other complaints If you believe up to $1500. for a new scooter is unachievable, perhaps one should work harder or more diligently to afford life’s responsibilities. The complaint department is closed.

C. R.
C. R.
1 year ago

Lol. Perhaps one should work harder, yeah you’re concluding with a pithy elitist sentiment of course, and you are in fact justifying why people are utilizing the inexpensive rental scooters, as I told you in my first comment. To try to be productive in society, and get ahead! The scooters are staying, as the follow up story has stated and you are dismissed.

1 year ago

Thank you for this comment! After several years of regularly renting scooters, I did the math and realized I’d spent $1,000’s. I decided to buy one. A great decision! I’m more careful and considerate on my own. I’m happy to see many more people buying rather than renting.

Mikie Friedman
Mikie Friedman
1 year ago

thank you for speaking truth to power! You make a whole lot of sense, and I hope they listen!