This week in WeHo (Oct. 22-29, 2023)


Events and meetings happening the week of October 22, 2023, in West Hollywood.


5:00 PM NewStages, a program of Oasis Theater Company, presents “Stepping Stones”
5:00 PM West Hollywood City Poet Laureate Installation for Jen Cheng


9:00 AM Helen Albert Certified Farmers’ Market
7:00 PM Historic Preservation Commission Meeting


12:00 PM Making My Smartphone Work For Me | Contacts and Accessibility Options | In-Person
2:00 PM Seniors in Action: Community + Connection + Conversation
6:00 PM Social Justice Advisory Board Meeting


2:00 PM Older Adults Advisory Board Meeting


8:30 AM CANCELLED – City Council Subcommittee on Homelessness Meeting
3:30 PM Art on the Outside Subcommittee Meeting
5:00 PM Arts and Cultural Affairs Commission Meeting
6:00 PM Design Review Subcommittee Special Meeting
7:00 PM (Cancelled) Rent Stabilization Commission Meeting
7:00 PM Women’s Advisory Board Meeting


Movies in the Park
10:00 AM Low-Cost Pet Vaccination Clinic by spcaLA
10:30 AM City Poet Laureate Writing Workshop: Memorable Characters

This week in history

Here is a list of some notable events in history that happened between October 22 and October 29:


October 22

1946: Over 2,200 engineers and technicians from eastern Germany are forced to relocate to the Soviet Union, along with their families and equipment.
1947: The Kashmir conflict between India and Pakistan begins, having started just after the partition of India.
1962: Cuban Missile Crisis: President Kennedy, after internal counsel from Dwight D. Eisenhower, announces that American reconnaissance planes have discovered Soviet nuclear weapons in Cuba, and that he has ordered a naval “quarantine” of the Communist nation.
2003: Apple introduces the iPod, a portable media player that became one of the most successful and revolutionary products of the early 2000s.

October 23

1912: The First Balkan War begins, with Montenegro declaring war on the Ottoman Empire.
1956: The Hungarian Revolution begins with a massive demonstration in Budapest.
1989: The East German government announces that it will allow its citizens to travel freely to the West.
2011: Muammar Gaddafi, the longtime dictator of Libya, is captured and killed by rebel forces.

October 24

1648: The Peace of Westphalia is signed, ending the Thirty Years’ War, a devastating conflict that had ravaged Europe for over three decades.
1929: The stock market crashes, marking the beginning of the Great Depression.
1945: The United Nations Charter is signed by 51 countries, establishing the United Nations.

October 25

1415: The Battle of Agincourt is fought during the Hundred Years’ War, with the English defeating the French.
1854: The Charge of the Light Brigade takes place during the Crimean War, with the British suffering heavy casualties in a futile attack.
1929: The New York Stock Exchange crashes again, marking the beginning of the Black Tuesday stock market crash.
1983: The United States invades Grenada, a small island nation in the Caribbean.

October 26

1810: Ludwig van Beethoven’s Seventh Symphony is premiered in Vienna.
1918: The Kingdom of Yugoslavia is formed.
1956: The Suez Crisis begins, with Egypt nationalizing the Suez Canal.
2002: The Moscow Theatre siege begins, with Chechen terrorists taking over a theater in Moscow and holding hundreds of people hostage.

October 27

1553: Michael Servetus, a Spanish physician and theologian, is burned at the stake for heresy.
1919: The United States Senate rejects the Treaty of Versailles, which would have brought the United States into the League of Nations.
1962: The Cuban Missile Crisis ends, with the Soviet Union agreeing to remove its nuclear missiles from Cuba.
1991: Turkmenistan declares its independence from the Soviet Union.

October 28

1492: Christopher Columbus lands in Cuba, believing that he has reached Asia.
1918: Czechoslovakia declares its independence from the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
1940: Italy invades Greece, during World War II.

October 29

1863: American Civil War: Battle of Wauhatchie: Forces under Union General Ulysses S. Grant repel a Confederate attack led by General James Longstreet. Union forces thus open a supply line into Chattanooga, Tennessee.
1929: The stock market crashes again, marking the end of the Black Thursday stock market crash.
1969: The Vietnam War Moratorium takes place, with millions of people around the world protesting against the war.

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