WeHo Parking

West Hollywood Parking Facilities

The city maintains four parking decks and ten parking lots.


Parking Decks



901 Hancock Avenue at Santa Monica Boulevard
156 spaces.

The deck is open weekdays from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. and weekends from 9 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. The first hour is free until 6 p.m. After the first hour the rate is 75 cents each 30 minutes with a maximum of $7.50 up until 6 p.m. and $6 after 6 p.m.

Kings Road at 8383 Santa Monica Boulevard
The deck is open Monday through Wednesday from 6 a.m. to midnight, Thursday through Friday from 6 a.m. until 2:30 a.m., and Saturday and Sunday from 8 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. The first hour is free until 6 pm. Afterwards, the rate is $1 each 20 minutes, with a maximum of $7.50 for parking until 6 p.m. and a maximum of $4 after 6 p.m. Special event parking is $15. There also are monthly passes for $90.



625 North San Vicente Blvd
at the West Hartford Public Library
91 spaces

Lot is open daily from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., with a rate of $1 per 20 minutes from 8 a.m. to 2 a.m. and a $12 maximum from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m, and maximums from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. of $6 Sunday through Wednesday, $8 Thursday, and $9 Friday and Saturdays. Special event parking is $15. The lot offers three hours of free parking with li ary validation during li ary operating hours.

625 North San Vicente Boulevard
near West Hollywood Park
333 spaces

Lot is open daily from 6 a.m. to 2 a.m. Park patrons get one hour free parking and an additional hour with validation, with a maximum rate is $12 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Park patron rates are $1 each 20 minutes from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m., with two hours free with validation. Maximum park patron rate is $6 Sunday through Wednesday, $8 on Thursday, and $9 Friday and Saturday.


Non-park patrons get one hour of free parking from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., with a rate of $1 per 20 minutes thereafter up to a maximum of $12. Non-park patrons also pay $1 per 20 minutes from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m., with a maximum rate of $6 Sunday through Wednesday, $8 on Thursday, and $9 on Friday and Saturday. Special event parking is $15, and monthly passes are available for $100.


Parking Lots



8200 Santa Monica Boulevard at Havenhurst
28 spaces.

The lot is open 8 a.m. to midnight daily, with a three-hour time limit. Parking is $1 an hour.

8732 Melrose Avenue
between Robertson and San Vicente
17 spaces.

The lot is open Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., with a two-hour limit. The rate is $1 an hour.

1114 N. Orange Grove Avenue
between Santa Monica Boulevard and Fountain
45 spaces.

The lot is open Sunday through Thursday from 8 .am. to 10 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 8 a.m. to midnight. Parking is $1 an hour from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., with a $6 flat rate after 6 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and an $8 flat rate after 6 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. Special event parking is $15, and monthly passes are available for $50. Whole Foods validates parking for one hour from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. with a store credit.

7718 Santa Monica Boulevard
between Sweetzer and Flores
28 spaces.

The lot is open Sunday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. It is open 24 hours on Fridays and Saturdays. Parking is $1 an hour between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., with a $6 flat rate after 6 p.m. Sunday through Wednesday, a $7 flat rate after 6 p.m. on Thursday, and an $8 flat rate after 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday. Special event parking is $15, and monthly passes are $45.

8775 Sunset Boulevard
between North Sherbourne and Horn
78 spaces.

Open 7 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. seven days a week. Rate is $1 per hour from 7a.m. to 2:30 a.m. the following day on Monday through Sunday. The maximum fee is $5 Sunday through Thursday and $8 Friday and Saturday. Special event parking is $15. Monthly passes available at $110 for 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. parking and $140 for parking 7 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. the following day.


9056 Sunset Boulevard near Doheny
Lot is open from 8 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. the following day, seven days a week. Parking is $1 an hour.

8752 El Tovar Place near West Hollywood Park
44 spaces.

Lot is temporarily closed for construction.

623 North La Peer Drive
between Santa Monica Boulevard and Melrose
41 spaces.

Lot is open from 7 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. every day. Rate is $1 an hour from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., with a flat rate of $5 from 6 p.m. to closing Sunday through Thursday and $8 from 6 p.m. to closing Friday and Saturday. Monthly passes are available for $80. Special event parking is $15.

8700 block of Beverly Boulevard
near North Sherbourne
10 spaces.

Lot is open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday, with a 30-minute time limit. Parking is $1 an hour.

8459 Sunset Boulevard near Queens Road
34 spaces.

Lot is open daily from 7 a.m. to 2 a.m., with a two hour time limit. Parking is $1 an hour from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and $2 an hour from 6 p.m to 2 a.m. Monthly passes available at $100.



Parking Fines


West Hollywood’s second largest source of revenue is tied to parking fines and permits.
Parking fines are also a major source of complaints by visitors. Here’s a list of what you’ll pay if you break the parking laws.


Angle Parking $53
Angle Parking (If paid after due date) $97
Areas adjacent to schools $58
Areas adjacent to schools (if paid after due date) $107
Blocked Disabled Space/Stall $349
Blocked Disabled Space/Stall (If paid after due date) $447
Blocking Intersection $118
Blocking Intersection (If paid after the due date) $227
Blocking Sidewalk Access Ramp $299
Blocking Sidewalk Access Ramp (If paid after due date) $396
Blocking Street $66
Blocking Street (If paid after due date) $123
Blocking Traffic/Hazard $83
Blocking Traffic/Hazard (If paid after due date) $157
Blocking Wheelchair Access Ramp $274
Blocking Wheelchair Access Ramp (If paid after due date) $371
Bus Loading Zone $58
Bus Loading Zone (If paid after due date) $107
Disabled Placard Citation Cancellation Administrative Fee $25
Double Parking $66
Double Parking $66
Double Parking (If paid after due date) $123
Double Parking (If paid after due date) $123
Exceeding Posted Time Limit $58
Exceeding Posted Time Limit (If paid after due date) $107
Expired Meter $53
Expired Meter (If paid after due date) $97
Failure to obey signs $58
Failure to obey signs (If paid after due date) $107
Illegal Parallel Parking Exceeding 18″ $53
Illegal Parallel Parking Exceeding 18″ (If paid after due date) $97
Illegal Parking at Assigned Spaces $58
Illegal Parking at Assigned Spaces (If paid after due date) $107
Illegal Parking at Taxi Stand $58
Illegal Parking at Taxi Stand (If paid after due date) $107
Illegal Parking Bus Zone $274
Illegal Parking Bus Zone (If paid after due date) $371
Illegal Parking Fire Hydrant $83
Illegal Parking Fire Hydrant (If paid after due date) $157
Illegal parking in Loading Zone $53
Illegal parking in Loading Zone (If paid after due date) $97
Illegal parking in Passenger Zone $53
Illegal parking in Passenger Zone (If paid after due date) $97
Illegal parking in Red Zone $83
Illegal parking in Red Zone (If paid after due date) $157
Illegal parking on lawn $58
Illegal parking on lawn (If paid after due date) $107
Illegal Parking on Public Grounds $53
Illegal Parking on Public Grounds (If paid after due date) $97
Illegal Parking Outside Defined Space $53
Illegal Parking Outside Defined Space (If paid after due date) $97
Illegal Parking Outside Space Markings $53
Illegal Parking Outside Space Markings (If paid after due date) $97
Illegal Parking Posted Fire Lane $83
Illegal Parking Posted Fire Lane (If paid after due date) $157
Illegal Parking/Disabled Space $349
Illegal Parking/Disabled Space (If paid after due date) $446
Key in Ignition/Unattended Vehicle $53
Key in Ignition/Unattended Vehicle (If paid after due date) $97
Misuse of Disabled Placard $518
Misuse of Disabled Placard (If paid after due date) $615
No front plate on vehicle $49
No front plate on vehicle (If paid after due date) $89
No Parking – Alley $83
No Parking – Alley (If paid after due date) $157
No Parking Anytime/Posted Hours $63
No Parking Anytime/Posted Hours (If paid after due date) $117
No Parking Vehicles over 6′ High $58
No Parking Vehicles over 6′ High (if paid after due date) $107
Obstructing Driveway $56
Obstructing Driveway (If paid after due date) $103



Parked on Sidewalk $61
Parked on Sidewalk (If paid after due date) $113
Parked within 15ft Fire Dept Driveway $83
Parked within 15ft Fire Dept Driveway (If paid after due date) $157
Parked within an Intersection $66
Parked within an Intersection (If paid after due date) $123
Parked within Crosswalk $66
Parked within Crosswalk (If paid after due date) $123
Parked Wrong Way-One Way Street $66
Parked Wrong Way-One Way Street (If paid after due date) $123
Parking – Disconnected Trailer $66
Parking – Disconnected Trailer (If paid after due date) $123
Parking Fire Hydrant $83
Parking Fire Hydrant (If paid after due date) $157
Parking in Intersection $83
Parking in Intersection (If paid after due date) $157
Parking on Grades $23
Parking on Grades (If paid after due date) $33
Parking on Sidewalk/Parkway $66
Parking on Sidewalk/Parkway (If paid after due date) $123
Parking Private/Public Property w/o Consent $58
Parking Private/Public Property w/o Consent (If paid after due date) $107
Parking Special Hazard $66
Parking Special Hazard (If paid after due date) $123
Parking Time Limit-Post Office $53
Parking Time Limit-Post Office (If paid after due date) $97
Parking within Marked Bicycle Lane $56
Parking within Marked Bicycle Lane (If paid after due date) $103
Parking- at Mail Box $53
Parking- at Mail Box (If paid after due date) $97
Peak Hour Traffic Zone $63
Peak Hour Traffic Zone (if paid after due date) $117
Preferential Parking Dist No. 1 $58
Preferential Parking Dist No. 1 (If paid after due date) $107
Preferential Parking Dist No. 10 $58
Preferential Parking Dist No. 10 (If paid after due date) $107
Preferential Parking Dist No. 11 $58
Preferential Parking Dist No. 11 (If paid after due date) $107
Preferential Parking Dist No. 2 $58
Preferential Parking Dist No. 2 (If paid after due date) $107
Preferential Parking Dist No. 3 $58
Preferential Parking Dist No. 3 (If paid after due date) $107
Preferential Parking Dist No. 4 $58
Preferential Parking Dist No. 4 (If paid after due date) $107
Preferential Parking Dist No. 5 $58
Preferential Parking Dist No. 5 (If paid after due date) $107
Preferential Parking Dist No. 6 $58
Preferential Parking Dist No. 6 (If paid after due date) $107
Preferential Parking Dist No. 7 $58
Preferential Parking Dist No. 7 (If paid after due date) $107
Preferential Parking Dist No. 8 $58
Preferential Parking Dist No. 8 (If paid after due date) $107
Preferential Parking Dist No. 9 $58
Preferential Parking Dist No. 9 (If paid after due date) $107
Restricted Parking $58
Restricted Parking (If paid after due date) $107
Street Cleaning $63
Street Cleaning (If paid after due date) $117
Temporary No Parking $58
Temporary No Parking (If paid after due date) $107
Tow Away Zone/Permanent $83
Tow Away Zone/Permanent (If paid after due date) $157
Unauthorized Permit Displayed $118
Unauthorized Permit Displayed (If paid after due date) $227
Vehicle Exceeds Load/Size Limit $76
Vehicle Exceeds Load/Size Limit (If paid after due date) $143
Vehicle Over Boundary Line $349
Vehicle Over Boundary Line (If paid after due date) $446
Vehicle Over Crosshatch Lines $349
Vehicle Over Crosshatch Lines (If paid after due date) $446
Vehicle Parked 72 or More Hours $58
Vehicle Parked 72 or More Hours (If paid after due date) $107
Vehicle Parked Unattended W/engine on $58
Vehicle Parked Unattended W/engine on (If paid after due date) $107
Wrong Side Dual Roadway $66


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Amy Garreton
Amy Garreton
6 years ago

Sadly I submitted proof of the issues as my friends from out of state received a ticket on their rental. We sent the pics of the police cars and such, they delayed their response to give me the “you forfeit by taking too long condensing letter. Then when I call I get a female personnel (rudely) reprimanding me as she is right and I am wrong, asked for a supervisor, manager and got a voicemail. I sent a signature required paperwork, they waited over 3 weeks to claim it! We all seem to forfeit if you are NOT guilty. SUPPOSED… Read more »