[half][/half][half_last]My name is Enoch Miller, and I am your unofficially official Empress of West Hollywood (#EmpressofWeho). I am so proud to live in an amazing city like West Hollywood that lets me be #GayAF, but still hang out with my extended surrogate family. My great passion is music, pop-culture, local events and all things LGBT-centric. So as the Empress of Weho, I promise to do my best to not only service you (*wink*), my loyal subjects and admirers, but also to provide you with the latest and greatest in entertainment, local events and all things hip. And of course keep up to date GTV, our directory of the best LGBT video series and one-offs in the world.
I would love to get to know more residents and people who love Weho as much as I do, as well as your favorite music and GTV!
Royally Yours,
Enoch Miller #EmpressofWeho
Email me at [email protected]
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“Black and White” | Toderick Hall featuring Superfruit & Kristin Maldonado
I love the “Straight Outta Oz” series from Todrick Hall — it’s an amazing modern rendition of an Wizard of Oz-like series of musical performances. This one also is really cool because there are special guest appearances by Scott Hoying, Mitch Grassi and Kristin Maldonado of Pentatonix. The song, called “Black and White,” is about people who tell you that you can do anything as long as it is not too out of the box and falls inside the “norm.” Too many times people say they want to help you grow and express yourself, but in reality they are just boxing you into their own ideals. I love the way Todrick creates music that really speaks to everyday issues. If you have not yet checked out his “Straight Outta Oz” series you will really love the story that is told. Watch [/half_last]
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“Transformations” | James St. James and Loris Queen
The “Transformations” series with James St. James is a really funny make up tutorial with many different drag queens with different ascetics. This episode has Loris Queen from Season 1 of The Boulet Brothers “Dragula.” In this episode, Loris changes James into a crazy demonic crystal creature from outer space. The cool thing about watching this tutorial is you get some great tips on makeup that many people don’t know. For example, Loris used a lip gloss in place of a part of the foundation. Plus we get some really funny stories from James and his “back in the day” experiences. Check out all the different episodes of “Transformations” and get you drag face beat. Watch[/half_last]
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“The Cure” parody | Bryan Hawn
I love a good parody, and it is even better when the person doing it is a hottie with a million dollar body. Bryan Hawn’s video is his parody of Lady Gaga’s “The Cure” off of her latest album. I love the whole naughty, sexy nurse persona that he uses in this video. If you have watched any of his other videos you will know that he does not disappoint. Bryan is a model who just recently moved from San Francisco to our amazing city of WeHo. I totally recommend watching all of his video parodies because you will enjoy some sass with a sexy ass. Now please excuse me while I go take a cold shower. Watch [/half_last]
The Royal Playlist on YouTube
[hr][half][/half][half_last]The Empress of WeHo’s playlist contains some on his favorite videos and songs from current top 40 to throwbacks to some fun tunes we all grew up on. This playlist displays a wide range of music from fun upbeat mashups, entertaining parodies, love songs and also some stuff you can just rock out to. This playlist is a great idea for those who need to just play music and can stream this from TV, Phone or any other device. Jam out with the Empress and make sure to send suggestions for music you thing he should add to it. Listen [/half_last]
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