Eric Schmidt, WeHo’s ‘Transparent’ City Council Candidate, Has More to Show

west hollywood city council
A relatively discreet photo of Eric Schmidt from his page

UPDATE:  Eric Schmidt apparently has moved his profile to another part of that website where his screenname is “WhoreinHollywood.” The link to the profile below has been updated to reflect that., the popular gay news website, has followed up on WEHOville’s story about Eric Jon Schmidt’s “transparent” race for City Council with the discovery of Schmidt’s profile and photos on another porn sharing site.

That site is (definitely Not Suitable For Work). “On it, 51-year-old Schmidt claims to be 42 and goes by the name ‘SlutsvilleUSA’,” Queerty reports. Elsewhere Schmidt has given his age as 53.

According to Queerty, Schmidt’s XVideos profile was created in December 2016 and updated last week. It includes 194 photos and 27 videos. That profile can be viewed here.

Eric Jon Schmidt

Queerty notes that some of the photos “feature Schmidt naked and covered in mud, Schmidt performing oral sex on himself, Schmidt lying in a bed of rubber dildos, and a doctored image of Schmidt posing naked on Hollywood Boulevard.”

In his profile, Schmidt describes himself as “submissive” and open to all sorts of adult activities. His only request, “No body odors or bad breath.”


WEHOville has reviewed Schmidt’s profile and confirms Queerty’s report.

Schmidt previously went public with his profile on, which includes photos and videos of him having sex with other men. That profile, Need2BNude, can be accessed here.

Schmidt is one of four declared challengers in the March 5, 2019, election to fill three City Council seats. The incumbents are council members John D’Amico and Lauren Meister, who have said they will seek re-election, and Lindsey Horvath, who has yet to declare.

Other challengers include Duke Mason, a member of the city’s Lesbian and Gay Advisory Board and a previous candidate; Timothy Williams, who is head of a production company called Haus of Liontruth, and Tom deMille, a local artist who was an unsuccessful candidate in the 2013 election.

In an email exchange with WEHOville, Schmidt has does not think that the revelation of his DudesNude account will hurt his campaign “any more than … would a candidate’s stamp collecting hobby. My hobbies do not affect any other part of my life.

“Being a performance exhibitionist is one of my hobbies. I also danced nude in Canada to help pay for college, but I loved it.

“I do think it will help my campaign for people who believe the human body as art. Plus it shows that I believe in transparency and I’m not afraid to express myself.”

Schmidt’s promotion of his nude photos and videos has sparked criticism from some WEHOville readers and praise from a few of them. Schmidt claims that of the 2.7 million viewers of his profile on DudesNude, 4,000 are West Hollywood residents who have pledged to vote for him.

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Game Over
Game Over
6 years ago

What a shame. West Hollywood politics at it’s *best*.

Jim Nasium
Jim Nasium
6 years ago

I can’t tolerate this guy on Wehoville, can you imagine him on the Council?!!!

No thank you.

awesome weho
awesome weho
6 years ago

Schmidt spends more time bragging about his porn followers than offering actual solutions to his “CONERNS” on his Facebook page. If internet popularity was in any way important, Paul Logan would’ve been mayor. All Weho residents have concerns; Schmidt is not special there. How does he propose to pay for all the more this, increased that, and better whatnot, as listed in his platform? Increased sheriff presence? Great, everyone knows we need more cops. Is he going to rip up our 2017 contract with the LA Sheriff’s Department and write a new one? Even if that were legal, what part… Read more »

Robert Switzer
Robert Switzer
6 years ago

Sorry, but I cannot vote for someone to represent the city who will be dogged wherever he goes as a face of West Hollywood as the guy who does porn. It’s going to be an impediment to getting anything done, especially if it involves cooperating with other local governments where people might be less accepting. As a practical matter, I believe a vote for Mr. Schmidt is comparable to shooting oneself in the foot.

Eric Jon Schmidt
Eric Jon Schmidt
6 years ago
Reply to  Robert Switzer

If you shoot yourself in the foot, you can still vote for me by absentee from you home. Wehoville has garnered me enough votes to be one of you next City Council Members. Get used to it.

Cy Husain
6 years ago
Reply to  Robert Switzer

You have a guy in the White House that does porn stars while married and, promoting puritanical “family values” to the rest of us, countless numbers of republicans busted in sex scandals with underage non-consenting victims, and actively working to reverse any and all Civil Rights progress gained by the LGBT community. So why has all this escaped your attention, Eric Jon Schmidt has noticed this and brought attention to the problems, could this explain the smear campaign?

6 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

Cy, what is your take on Eric’s lie, below? He’s nowhere in the league of Trump, but he has hijacked West Hollywood’s political process to gather views to his DN page. Not sure if you agree, but if you can see that, he is similar to Trump, in that regard.

Geoff Buck
Geoff Buck
6 years ago

Remember. A vote for Mr. Schmidt is a vote for a welcome mat for more homeless in the City of West Hollywood.

Eric Jon schmidt
Eric Jon schmidt
6 years ago
Reply to  Geoff Buck


Let’s meet for coffee so you can explain to me how you think that would be the case. I would be happy to hear your ideas face to face.


Beyond Skeptical
Beyond Skeptical
6 years ago

Engaging with folks is one thing, having valid ideas is another. With opinions on multiple subjects there is no demonstration of verifiable accomplishment beyond talk and wishful thinking.

With a disdain for our city government, which some can respect and work with despite differences of opinion, is is impossible to comprehend how you would seriously work with others on a credible basis since there has been no evidence of any attempt to work with anyone in any capacity.

Talk, talk, talk and no action other than cheerleading and engaging with the homeless.

Cy Husain
6 years ago

Seriously, Eric Jon Schmidt’s “verified” Education, Military Service, Work History and, Political Activism stand in clear testament to his abilities as well as his willingness to effectively engage the issues the Great City of West Hollywood is currently facing.

Please recall there was a time in many people’s lifetime alive now, that the rights of non-whites, women and, any and all LGBT individuals would have been considered the MOST idealistic of “wishful thinking!”

Eric Jon Schmidt
Eric Jon Schmidt
6 years ago

as I always say, lets meet and talk about solutions

Eric Jon Schmidt for WeHo

Eric Jon Schmidt
Eric Jon Schmidt
6 years ago
Reply to  Geoff Buck

Any relation to Ed Buck Geoff? Lets meet for coffee so you can explain your reasoning for what you said. I will meet with anyone who cowardly makes comments on Henrys gossip website to discuss your comment. You’re going to have to deal with me at some point. Thanks to Henry I now have almost 7000 West Hollywood Residents who are registered voters who pledged to vote for me by absentee ballot. I don’t think ANY of the other candidates will even come close to that number. I’m not sure why Henry is keeping this story alive but, what he… Read more »

6 years ago

Please substantiate how you know that there are 7K people who are actually registered, and proclaimed to vote for you. That’s more than the entire turnout in the 2015 election, which includes the three incumbents you are up against, and the total votes for them, and all other candidates running. Would you have even had time between Monday and Thursday of last week to have gone through that many e-mail messages? Sorry, but you are blowing more smoke, sir. And just because he has the same last name as Ed Buck doesn’t mean he is related. What does 140K new… Read more »

Cy Husain
6 years ago
Reply to  Geoff Buck

A far more legitimate concern would be, your vote for establishment politics serving as a welcome mat for more under-regulated corporate real-estate and banking interests generating an ever increasing number of homeless people from the Nation’s as well as West Hollywood’s well established working people!

Eric Jon Schmidt
Eric Jon Schmidt
6 years ago

Read the Article in, it will explain this entire reason for this story, I know that Henry will not print this comment. The story is over. I drop my mic. the following is from a guy in Croatia: Dude, just wanted to say hi. Saw an article on gaynews about you running for some political function and being open about your sex life. I find it really refreashing for a guy just coming out and saying “I enjoy good sex and being naked, and that’s not the only thing about me, but it is part of me and I’m… Read more »

6 years ago

“No profanity, and please focus on the issue rather than attacking other commenters.”

I believe that much of this thread falls under the category of “attacking other commenters.”

Eric Jon Schmidt
Eric Jon Schmidt
6 years ago

PT, too late

6 years ago

Eric: Please, please, please. Just. Go. AWAY. West Hollywood deserves better !!!
Hank ! STOP advertise him !!! I believe a lot of crazy guys, who will vote for Eric Jon Schmidt in BoysTown.

WeHo Voter
WeHo Voter
6 years ago

The articles about this guy sort of wreak of a smear campaign. Who cares about his private life? If he conducts himself professionally and has built the qualifications necessary, that should be all that matters.

Duran is a Grindr regular, which everyone knows and he’s been serving for decades. So long as this guy doesn’t cost the city a lawsuit, an insurance settlement and an embarrassing punchline, what he does on his own time should be irrelevant.

6 years ago

The xvideos profile no longer exists. You get greeted with “THIS PROFILE DOESN’T EXIST !” when you try to access it now.

Eric Jon Schmidt
Eric Jon Schmidt
6 years ago
Reply to  Seaguy

It was never there. It was manufactured in someone’s mind

6 years ago

I think you’re mistaken, Eric. Your Dudesnude profile used to mention your Xvideos site.

Here’s a link to an archived version of your Dudesnude profile that mentions the Xvideos site.

6 years ago
Reply to  Russ

Indeed, the internet never forgets.

Eric, are you going to ask Hornet to print a correction?

Eric Jon Schmidt
Eric Jon Schmidt
6 years ago
Reply to  R

why would I ? that got me 100,000 more viewers on dudesnude

6 years ago
Reply to  R

Because you were caught in a lie, when you said that you had not heard of that profile, that someone stole your computer and set it up. You said, in this comments section, “If there is such a profile, I didn’t create it. Someone else did. My Computer was stolen from my car which had all my pictures on it. I have never even heard of that site.” On Hornet, “In a separate post, WEHOville later claimed Schmidt also had an XVideo account under the name SlutsvilleUSA, though that account has since been deleted and Schmidt claims it was not… Read more »

6 years ago
Reply to  R

I guess there will be no response or explanation from Eric on this one. About the lie he was caught in. Many people are going to remember this, most probably won’t. This makes me question Eric’s proclamation that he has “7000 West Hollywood Residents who are registered voters who pledged to vote for me by absentee ballot” (as though I wasn’t already questioning this). Eric, how did you gather those numbers, exactly? That is more than 3 times the number of votes D’Amico received in the 2015 election (who led the votes), and 42% more people than voted in that… Read more »

Brian Holt
Brian Holt
6 years ago

Eric: Please, please, please. Just. Go. Away. West Hollywood deserves better than someone so preoccupied with sex that he would think it’s ok to put raunchy, nude pictures (and video for god sakes) of himself in the public domain. And please, save us from your clap trap, BS about transparency. I’m as open minded as the next guy. And you know what else I am – wise. As are most of our voters. And wise folks see right through your act. And, wise folks would never do what you’ve done. You’re actions are frankly beyond distasteful, and irresponsible. And now… Read more »

Eric Jon Schmidt
Eric Jon Schmidt
6 years ago
Reply to  Brian Holt

Brian, I’m sorry that you feel that way. I’m not going anywhere. I already, as of this message have over 6500 Registered Voters in West Hollywood who have pledged to vote for me. That’s 1500 more than actually Voted in the last election. Please don’t call me Dude. This is not High School. I’m here to stay, so get used to it. As I have said to others, I would be happy to sit with you like gentleman over coffee and you can tell me why you think I would not make a good Council member face-to-face. I am not… Read more »

Brian Holt
Brian Holt
6 years ago

No thanks. Next.

Eric Jon Schmidt
Eric Jon Schmidt
6 years ago
Reply to  Brian Holt

lets meet for coffee Brian? you’re not afraid to say the same things to my face that you say here are you? I’m not a violent person but I would love to sit with you over coffee and talk about how you feel about me.

Michael Grace
6 years ago
Reply to  Brian Holt

Brian… You should be sending the same message to John Duran!