West Hollywood Has Highest Rate of Coronavirus Infections in LA County


A list released today by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health of cities and areas in Los Angeles County with confirmed coronavirus cases shows West Hollywood ranks highest when it comes to the percentage of its population that is infected.

The list shows that West Hollywood is one of four cities or communities in Los Angeles County that each has five confirmed cases. For WeHo, that is one confirmed case of COVID-19 infection per 7,371 residents using the U.S. Census Bureau’s 2018 estimate of 36,854 residents in 2018.  As of tonight, 94 cases have been identified across the county, which is one per 107,506 residents. There has been one confirmed death.

The Tarzana community in Los Angeles County, also with five confirmed cases, ranked just behind West Hollywood. With an estimated population of 38,000, it has one infection per 7,600 residents.

The other cities and communities with five confirmed cases had much larger populations than West Hollywood. They are Long Beach, with a population of 467,354 people (one infection per 93,471 residents) and Boyle Heights, with a population of 99,000 (one infection per 19,800 residents).

Adjacent cities like Beverly Hills and Culver City had much lower coronavirus infection rates.  Beverly Hills, a city with 34,183 people, had one confirmed case, and Culver City had two confirmed cases, or 1 for each 19,442 residents.

West Hollywood, a 1.89-square-mile city which is the 17th most densely populated in the United States, also ranks first in confirmed coronavirus infections per square mile.  There is one confirmed virus infection per .38 square mile.


It is unclear why West Hollywood ranks so high in percentage of coronavirus infections, although factors may include the population density and the city’s reputation as a nightlife destination. The Los Angeles County Public Health Department’s declaration today that all bars in the county must close will effectively shut down West Hollywood’s nightlife business. 

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5 years ago

Just read Brentwood, 19 cases, Palisades 5.

dallas iple
dallas iple
5 years ago

maybe it’s Grindr

5 years ago

Today it’s up to 8. Also someplace called “Melrose” has 9. Is Melrose the same Melrose that is part of LA city by WeHo? These numbers are high compared to other cities.

5 years ago


Staff Report
5 years ago
Reply to  DORIS LEVY

All 24 Hour Fitness locations were closed as of midnight on March 16.

Bobby Drake
Bobby Drake
5 years ago

As for the data, we need more.
wIde spread panic won’t help anyone.
adDitional efforts to follow CDC protocol will help everybody.
now iS the time to ban together as a community and do our part.

Mr. Smithers
Mr. Smithers
5 years ago

Okay, but WeHo is so small, it might as well be absorbed into the surrounding neighborhoods for statistical purposes. We’d probably fall way behind Long Beach considering land mass and population.

5 years ago
Reply to  Mr. Smithers

It’s cases per capita. Land mass (area I’m guessing you’re trying to say) has nothing to do with it.

5 years ago
Reply to  David

It only relates as a denser area could provide for more contact between people, and so a greater risk for contagion. I’m just guessing, but it could be a factor.

Jim Antera Ross
Jim Antera Ross
5 years ago

“West Hollywood Has Highest Rate of Coronavirus Infections in LA County”
As others have noted:
1 Not necessarily. It could be West Hollywood has the highest testing rate
2 Very small sample size means you can’t reliably infer this. From the article, West Hollywood’s infection rate is based on 5 cases in 36k residents, vs. Tarzana having 5 cases in 38k residents
* statistically insignificant difference
* one more or less case would completely change the rate
Note also: this reckless, unreliable headline claim is apparently unintentional raw meat for anti-science, religion-driven anti-gay commentary.

Fabtabulous Mick
Fabtabulous Mick
5 years ago

Do you really believe the WEHOville staff would post “religion-driven anti-gay commentary”?

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
5 years ago

What part of the fact-based headline is untrue?

Damien duGaul
Damien duGaul
5 years ago

Enforce a city-wide closure of non-essential businesses. Dont wait for people to die – do it NOW!

5 years ago

Could Wehoville please put these statistics in perspective with a time line comparison with previous epidemics and pandemics so we could separate them from the general pandemonium? Or perhaps a series of old fashioned Ross Perot pie charts?

Staff Report
5 years ago
Reply to  Vigilant

That would be great. Please submit the relevant data along with the sources of it so that it can be confirmed.

5 years ago

This article title could have been a little less inflammatory/misleading. Five cases is not statistically significant. Especially for an area that is simple more vigilant about medical testing when it’s necessary. I’ve had this article shared to me in the context of people thinking it means West Hollywood is somehow a lightning rod of illness.

5 years ago
Reply to  Doug

Five cases IS ABSOLUTELY statistically significant. I’m guessing you don’t even know what that means anyway.

Eaton Dapousey
Eaton Dapousey
5 years ago

Gayboys needs to be at Winter Party Corona or not. Stop being a hater cause you were home alone

Sarah S
Sarah S
5 years ago
Reply to  Eaton Dapousey

Eat the Pussy, you’re correct. Risk of self harm or harm to others is not an issue in that community. Living off antiviral prescriptions does not mean your body isn’t a vector of death.

Weho Truth Talk
Weho Truth Talk
5 years ago

This is likely because Weho residents are getting tested more, not because more people in Weho have it.