West Hollywood is reopening its parks.
The city today announced a plan for a limited reopening of West Hollywood Park and Plummer Park. Those parks were ordered closed by the City Manager on July 23 after it was revealed that as many as half of their visitors weren’t wearing mandatory face coverings and weren’t abiding by the social distancing rules intended to reduce the likelihood of the transmission of the deadly COVID-19 virus. Some also had altered or destroyed protective barriers intended to keep playgrounds and basketball courts closed.
City Manager Paul Arevalo’s re-opening plan requires that anyone wanting to visit a park first make an online reservation 24 hours in advance. Reservations are available at Plummer Park in the Vista Lawn and Fuller Lawn areas and at West Hollywood Park in the Great Lawn area.
Numbered spaces will be outlined in the grass and Ccty staff will be available to assist users with finding their spaces. Individuals can book a space for a two-hour block between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. There is no cost to reserve a park space.
Park visitors at all City of West Hollywood parks are subject to the following guidelines:
- Visitors at Plummer Park and West Hollywood Park shall use the park in the reserved space. At all other parks, physical distancing of six feet between groups that are not part of the same household is required. Avoid crowded areas.
- Organized activities and group fitness classes, yoga instruction, dog training and personal training sessions are not permitted in any city park, including neighborhood parks.
- Face coverings are required.
- Water fountains will remain closed. Members of the public are encouraged to bring water from home.
- Bathrooms will remain closed.
- Visitors must leave the area clean and remove all personal items and trash before leaving the park.
- Playground and exercise equipment will remain closed.
Reservations can be made by visiting the West Hollywood Recreation Park and Facility Reservation system online at https://apm.activecommunities.com/weho.
Those wishing to make a reservation must have an Active Net account, which can be easily created at the above link. Individuals will receive a confirmation email when their reservation is approved.
For all other City of West Hollywood Recreation programs, visit www.weho.org/recreation.
This better be a joke. What country are we living in? All I know is the five city council members must go along with the city manager. It is time for a complete change.
Sounds exclusive, I hope I can get an invite to make a reservation
The parks in WH are unusable. Full of homeless and smell of urine. Somehow BH manages its city properly…….while WH adopts the same approach as Santa Monica and Venice (which are truly disgusting these day).
It is ridiculous to keep the bathrooms closed.
C’mon City Hall – get smart.
Is this is joke!!?? It sure is.West Hollywood is making itself to be a nanny state.What happens when you visit on your reservation and need to use the restroom? This will make for awkward and uncomfortable visits.
What happens to people who want to sit down for a quick lunch and don’t know about the reservation set-up? Common sense does not have a home in West Hollywood anymore.
I totally agree. If the rules don’t lessen people just won’t take the laws seriously. Sometimes I think they want people to revolt with all these restrictions – it’s preposterous.
Don’t our tax dollars go to this park? We need to rid of the Democratic Party before more things get taken away. Enough with the “there’s a pandemic” – extremely few ppl die from COVID. It’s become a way to control ppl and has already gotten out of hand. If you’re fearful STAY HOME and let the rest of us live our lives.
Instead of hiring people who are willing and able to walk around and enforce rules, they make up this crazy plan. And fun fact. There is no more exercise equipment. The people who abused the equipment were punished by removing the equipment and planting a garden. Also, why do tennis players get to hang out all day next to each other gossiping without masks. Could someone at City Hall happen to own a racket? Lastly, do not punish the dogs by turning of the water. It is cruel. Humans will not use the dog fountain. We promise. Several park employees… Read more »
this all seems dreadfully dangerous. numbered spaces won’t be enough. nothing short of mandatory hazmat suits and airtight plexiglass pens could possibly save us from ourselves.
The sheer insanity of City of West Hollywood never ceases to amaze me.
Tragically Lindsey doesn’t care what you think.
“Numbered spaces will be outlined in the grass”
So they tell us where we have to sit and we can’t move from that spot?
This is a joke, right?
Nope. They’re 100% insane.