‘Seating sculpture’ planned for Beverly Triangle roils residents


The proposed “seating sculpture” at the Beverly-Bonner Gathering Space (aka Beverly Triangle Plaza) may have won over the Arts & Cultural Affairs Commission, but WeHo residents and businesses weren’t left cheering.

Those who attended last night’s neighborhood meeting regarding the upcoming project pushed back on plans for the unusual structure, an undulating concrete enclave punctured by passageways, niches and portholes.

Neighboring residents and businesses worried the partially enclosed structure, designed to encourage lounging and relaxing, would be a ripe space for loitering by the homeless, as well as a potential public safety problem due to its cloistered layout.

Rick Forrest, a 27-year  resident of Bonner Drive who  attended the resident input workshop held by the developers in 2019, was particularly unhappy with the state of the project.

“They ignored all our wishes,” Forrest said. “It doesn’t fit the neighborhood.”

Nevertheless, the commission approved the proposal in a 5-2 vote.

It’s far from the last time West Hollywood citizens will have a chance to debate the project. Another community meeting will be held in August, and the project will still have to win the approval of the Public Facilities Commission and the Design District Workshop Group. WeHo City Council will give the final yes or no at a future date.


For more information on the Beverly Triangle Plaza project visit: weho.org/beverlytriangle or sign up for email updates here
For any questions, please contact David Fenn, Associate Planner, at dfenn@weho.org or (323) 848-6336.
West Hollywood West Residents Association WHWRA.orgfacebook.com/WHWRA

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3 years ago

I think most enjoy sitting in a green space looking around at the activity all around them. This design seems to (for the most part) cut off park goers from the green space and the surrounding activity (I realize some portions of it face out). It’s also doesn’t look integrated into the green surrounds but stands alone like a space ship that landed in the middle of it all. (I can also see this becoming a homeless hangout). Not a fan. Back to the drawing board..please.

Last edited 3 years ago by JJ1
David Cason
David Cason
3 years ago

THIS ARTIST’S ETHEREAL DREAMY CONCOCTION is not practical at all… .my profession is designing Grocery anchored shopping centers all over the west coast (95 so far and we manange them all), and to a person in our group, our first concern, even when putting just a bench in, is “it going to attract the homeless – and this is not mothers and little babies, but hardended , tough, drug using and pissing and defecating BUMS ) – hate to be politically incorrect, but this whim of an idea would be totally impractical…whose going to clean it up inside everyday (so… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  David Cason

So true and spot on. You should be sitting on this commission as you think things all the way through unlike the bunch that is pushing this design.

3 years ago
Reply to  David Cason

Much of this public art conjoined with gathering spaces and/or new development appears to be an attempt to provide an overly complicated solution to a simple issue. “Public Art” is unnecessary when a building has aesthetic value and provides art in architecture. “Gathering spaces” formerly known as park large and small were designed by landscape architects individually or in conjunction with buildings ie Central Park or Gramercy Park in Manhattan which are situated in the midst of remarkable buildings. There are even smaller neighborhood places of respite. The City government of West Hollywood seems to think reinventing the wheel is… Read more »

Meg Sullivan
Meg Sullivan
3 years ago

What a cool design! I love the appearance of center structure — and so practical. Looks like a lot of different groups of people will be able to find seating at the same time and be as separate or together with others as they want to be. Looks like the structure will be especially beautiful when illuminated at night. Very in keeping with WeHo’s design forward reputation! Also, the plant screening along busy Beverly will be so welcome. This will be a fun place to sit down with a cup of joe and watch the world go by.

3 years ago
Reply to  Meg Sullivan

Not practical at all. See David’s comments above.

Michael Grace
Michael Grace
3 years ago

Arts? The city use to be a center of live theatre. No more. That’s gone. John Duran was the last city council member associated with theatre and advocating that. But he’s gone. Replaced by a the Woke two whose number one goal is turn West Hollywood into a Unisex Toilet Leader. This project actually looks like a bazaar drive-in movie space ship unisex public toilet structure. With peekaboo windows for stalkers. The “arts” staff member is making $17,000 plus a month. This city needs an overhaul of the staff and a hard look at dollar reality. Plus, I’m sure she… Read more »

michael z
michael z
3 years ago

i can smell the piss already…..

3 years ago
Reply to  michael z

sad but true.

What's Really Going On Here?
What's Really Going On Here?
3 years ago

In our impending climate reality, how about IF the Arts and Cultural Affairs Commission and the City Arts Manager, Ms. Ehemanns ($209,000/year while still maintaining Green Public Art Consultants) advocated the planting of a group of nice trees, maybe from a local nursery. No designer commissions, no consulting fees involved, no more cement and no euphemistic word salad descriptions. No stress to the recovering city budget. The worst that can happen is that a dog may occasionally come by and pee on them but they will survive and the community will be happy with more of Mother Nature. Isn’t that… Read more »

3 years ago

Totally idiotic. And if she makes that much, fire her!

What's Really Going On Here?
What's Really Going On Here?
3 years ago
Reply to  Art
David Abrams
David Abrams
3 years ago

This is a horrible, half-baked idea. It will do nothing but attract transients to the area and encourage them to set up an encampment. With the current state of affairs, the Sheriff won’t be able to do anything about it either.

Joe Bolgna
Joe Bolgna
3 years ago
Reply to  David Abrams

Exactly. Common Sense never seems to prevail in these decisions. Stevie Wonder could see that this is a bad idea and what it’s going to attract, including it becoming a homeless bathroom. (Sorry, I meant the “unhoused.”)

3 years ago
Reply to  Joe Bolgna

yup Joe.

Jim Nasium
Jim Nasium
3 years ago

Even our bus stops are disgusting. This TWA bus stop terminal would be worse.

3 years ago
Reply to  Jim Nasium

TWA??? Hahaha

3 years ago

If built I would predict it will be demolished within 2 years.

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
3 years ago

Public areas don’t work in LA. They just attract the homeless.

3 years ago

YUP, It will be a place for the homeless to gather and will create a public safety issue because it’s almost enclosed. Why do these committees and our council not listen to the people?! It’s really getting old. They are put in those seats to carry out the will of the people…not their own.

3 years ago

Absolutely, the homeless will take over this place and it won’t benefit any of the rest of us. We won’t want to go there.

But it doesn’t really matter what we think, does it?

3 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

Apparently it does not, as time and time again these committees and our own council ignore the people’s voice. (Perhaps they like the sound of their own voice better). VOTE. THEM. OUT.