The City of West Hollywood encourages residents and stakeholders to attend Metro’s virtual community meeting for the La Brea Bus Lane project to find out more about the project and share feedback with Metro.
Metro is planning peak hour bus lanes on 5.9 miles of La Brea Avenue from Sunset Boulevard to Coliseum Street. Though most of the project is in the City of Los Angeles, it includes three blocks of La Brea Avenue in the City of West Hollywood from Romaine Street to Fountain Avenue at the eastern edge of the City. Shared bus/bike lanes were suggested for this segment of La Brea Avenue in the City’s adopted Pedestrian and Bicycle Mobility Plan from 2017.
The proposed bus lanes would operate on weekdays only between 7-10 a.m. and 3-7 p.m. replacing the additional travel lane in each direction that becomes available during peak hours when curbside parking is prohibited. Metro will be conducting additional outreach along the corridor throughout Fall 2021 and anticipates the project would likely be implemented by Spring 2022.
Metro’s bus lanes project would improve speed and reliability for existing transit service on La Brea including West Hollywood’s free Cityline Commuter shuttle to the Hollywood/Highland Metro B (Red) line station and Metro Line 212 which connects to stations for the Metro B (Red) and E (Expo) Lines, as well as the under-construction D (Purple) Line station. Line 212 saw over 12,500 daily boarding’s prior to the COVID pandemic and 3 out of 4 bus riders on the corridor do not own cars and use the bus system at least five times per week.
All three alternative routes under consideration for the future Northern Extension of the Crenshaw/LAX light rail line also include a stop at Santa Monica Boulevard and La Brea Avenue so proposed bus lanes could also one day extend the reach of future rail service.
Online Community Meeting Details:
- Zoom Link: bit.ly/3iweffd
- Meeting ID: 879 6881 1301
- Passcode: 5851
- Dial in phone number: 213.338.8477
When you enter the meeting, your audio will be muted, and your video will be turned off.
- If you wish to make a public comment, please use the ‘raise hand’ feature in the Zoom application. You will be prompted to unmute yourself at the appropriate time.
- Please unmute yourself to ask a question or make a comment.
- To ask a question or provide a comment via telephone, raise your hand by pressing *9 and staff will unmute you at the appropriate time.
All Metro meetings are accessible to persons with disabilities. Spanish translation will be provided. Other ADA accommodations and translations are available by calling 213.922.4869 at least 72 hours in advance.
Options for those Without Computer or Internet Access:
To ensure opportunities for public participation in this virtual community meeting, a mobile tech pop-up unit with laptop stations and a screen will be available to ensure opportunities for public participation in this virtual community meeting. This mobile pop-up unit is not an in-person meeting and Metro staff will not be onsite. COVID-19 health and safety protocols will be in effect and masks will be required to enter the unit.
- LADOT Public Parking Lot #614
- Tuesday, November 16, 2021, 5:30–8pm
- 728 S Cochran Av, Los Angeles, CA 90036
For more details on the La Brea Bus lane project, please visit Metro’s project website at www.metro.net/labrea or review Metro’s project fact sheet (Spanish version).
David Fenn, AICP
Associate Planner
City of West Hollywood | 8300 Santa Monica Boulevard | West Hollywood, CA 90069 | T 323.848.6336
luckily it doesn’t matter if people say no. a change will come regardless. the best part of nimby recourse is that homeowners all eventually die while the city and its needs live on.
Ok “Adam”. John Erickson please tell your friends to stop insulting people.
OK, “WehoFan.” You won’t even give us your first name.
I don’t like the way Adam stated this, but he is correct. Change will come, with time. Us older people (OK, I’m 48), will die off, or move to Palm Springs, or wherever, and change will come. It is inevitable. Please don’t blame Erickson, just because he is the youngest person on the Council.
Meanwhile, these bus lanes make sense, and have proven to work, all over the LA Metropolitan area. They relieve traffic congestion, and don’t add to it. And they are only there for rush hour.
You need to move beyond the high school stage in life, it’s NOT at all about people being liked or who they are friends with. A High Tech employer once told me that “those with passionate enemies can NEVER be considered ineffective or a slacker!” Reality is that our technological advancements favor electric and mass transit, over private internal combustion vehicles and; the problems they cause.
Why does “Adam” want homeowners to die?
You are engaging in the classic right-wing “Straw Man” attack. Replacing the real subject of the argument which is not addressed or refuted, but instead replaced with a false one that’s easy to refute.
Stop deflecting. Why does “Adam” want homeowners dead?
You know very well he does NOT ❗ Reality is that there are social changes that are impossible in the lifetimes of certain powerful people, when they pass away we see changes occur that they never would of allowed.
One of the reasons I DON’T like taking the bus in L.A. is because it gets stuck in traffic. I would be much happier to take a bus that has its own lane so I can get to my destination much faster without having to drive my dumb car.
Not only should we have a Bus Lane on La Brea used by our new Environmentally friendly Electric Buses, we should do it as a first step toward making La Brea ONLY accessible to public transit where private automobiles👹 are completely prohibited ❗ 😀 We could make exceptions for electric scooters. 🛵 We can achieve this rather easily if we have clear long term goals of making the entire Los Angeles area a happy friendly healthy public transit private automobile free zone in the next few years.🏖
Such an uninformed an/or biased remark. See how that concept would be received by the surrounding residential neighborhoods making their streets thoroughfares.
News Flash, our residential neighborhoods and surrounding areas already ARE thoroughfares for a bunch of spoiled brats endangering the public with their reckless status-mobile displays. Making the entire LA area a public transit private automobile free zone would solve this problem. Already there are some good ideas which streets should now become car free including Santa Monica blvd to make the LA area a better place ❗ 🚲
As was stated……more .biased, impractical remarks from someone that does not appear to be a critical thinker. There does not appear to be any evidence that you have followed through on any of your concepts.
First off it’s inevitable change that is taking place and technological advancement that none of us can really stop in the long run. The MTA is now FREE, fully electric buses are online and, light rail extensions are soon to open up. Welcome to the 21st Century❕🚄
MTA’s so called Electric Bus Project has been a failure so far. All the 40 foot buses have been returned to the manufacturer and the Orange Line Buses seem to have operational problems during extreme heat and rain resulting in emergency moving of conventional buses to replace them.
True there may be some minor setbacks but. if it were all that bad you would left a LINK to a credible source backing that up. Electric vehicles are lower maintenance than internal combustion but, NOT maintenance free and indestructible. It’s relatively new and with fewer qualified mechanics available, there will be problems. Now Metro is completing the G Line (Orange Line) Conversion to All Electric Buses and, it’s going quite well. Consider taking the bus one day to see for yourself❗
HELL NO. The rest of us have to suffer with one less lane so a marginally used bus can pass unhindered by traffic?
No thank you.
It does the exact opposite! Ever been stuck on a two-lane thoroughfare (such as SMB), 8 cars behind a bus? They wouldn’t build these lanes if it added to congestion. The point is to relieve congestion.
Common sense piece of the puzzle. A devoted bus lane for busses that constantly need to stop and go; this allows for smother vehicle travel and contribute to ease of congestion. Development has little to do with this proposal. Traffic has and will only continue to impact high volume traffic corridors. Vehicles come and go throughout our city and all other’s to reach their destination.
Of course it should be, how else are the Unite11 hacks and their liberal troll friends going to get to work and home at a reasonable time.
The contempt you have for working class people is really gross.
Contempt? Oh sweetie, it’s not just the working stiffs, it’s also people who want to take my money and give it to the lazy welfare queens that live in subsidized rent control housing also.
Yes you do have contempt for just about everyone except those who directly promote you or your interests, there is a good name for that but, I won’t use it here❗
Yep, that contempt would be for all antifa crackheads like yourself who promotes lazy diva queens like Michael. Let’s go Brandon
Completely drug free ANTIFA here ❗
The term “lazy welfare queens,” is just slang for Corporations, Top 3% and Republican Establishment. Hmmm
Used by in fact other true Americans (not your belief listed above) that are tired of supporting those that do not attempt to better themselves by living off others hard work while they complain how the world is biased against them.
“True Americans ❓ ” Ah you mean the white invaders who killed millions of the indigenous population, enslaved Black People, launched imperialist wars and, continue to benefit from structural racism to this day. Now they are really butt hurt over their beloved internal combustion drive vehicles being replaced by electric and mass transit 🚄 ❗ 🤣
Cy you hate this country.
Oh. HELL. No. They should wait in traffic like the rest of us. If they want to reduce traffic (and water), stop the insane overdevelopment.
Are you kidding? Ever been down Wilshire during rush hour? A special lane for getting hundreds and hundreds (probably thousands) of people back and forth (and even with all of those stops). Having people in busses with dedicated lanes does reduce traffic! You can get dozens of people in one bus, past 2 lanes of cars, the majority of which include one passenger, each. Now think if all of those people on the bus were in a car, adding to the pile-up? With only your two lanes? I’m not sure what “overdevelopment” has to do with any of this. These… Read more »