Construction crews for John Reed Fitness wait outside as 24-Hour Fitness denies access


As 24-Hour Fitness continues the process of exiting its former location on Santa Monica Blvd., the John Reed Fitness Club is eager to move in. On Wednesday, John Reed contractors and crews waited outside the building while 24-Hour Fitness managers denied them access.

24-Hour Fitness closed at the end of November and is using the month of December to vacate the premises.

Some residents watched at the 24-Hour Fitness sign was removed from the building’s facade. Later in the day, a man showed up to go to the gym only to find it closed.

Photo by Manny Rodriguez

General contractors were not ready to comment on a completion date for the new fitness center.

“I’m looking at, ‘When are we going to start,’ before I start putting a lot of thought into when it will be finished,” said David, a general contractor.

Building manager Bill Weatherby explained that the mix-up that happened Wednesday was about the job walk.


“This is for a job walk; that is a defined term,” he said. “It is not a detailed measure of this or that. It is for the sub-contractors to see how it is built, what the quality of the stuff is, how the demolition is going to be. They already have working drawings. Some subs are looking at the materials, the electrical so that they can finish their bids. They already have the dimensions.”

The new John Reed Fitness Center is expected to open in June 2022.

Prototype designs not yet finalized

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2 years ago

John Reed is owned by RSG group. They also own Gold’s Gym along with several other businesses.
Of course, the WeHo location is still not open, and from what I’ve heard on the street, it most likely never will. The person who owns the building plans to tear it down eventually.

Johnny Daswood
Johnny Daswood
2 years ago

I hope that John Reed has some really good group fitness classes! Spinning, Body Pump, & some good flash-back step aerobic classes would be amazing!

3 years ago

I just went to the site to get a look at what we can expect from this new place. It looks like a dungeon! What they call art, I call graffiti. Why in the world they would have a live DJ is beyond me. It appears to me that fitness is way down the list of priorities for John Reed Fitness! The location is so good for me because I’m only a couple blocks away, but I don’t think I’m going to be able to work out there. Looks like I’m going to have to get in the car and… Read more »

3 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

Go to Equinox without a doubt. It’s extremely clean, classes are good, great staff, and management takes really good care of the gym.

3 years ago
Reply to  Michael

Don’t forget you’re locked in at $200+/month for 12 months.

I think the initiation fee was around $500 last time I checked.

3 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

Crunch has a live DJ. I’ve been going there for 21 years. They don’t have the DJ all the time, but people seem to enjoy it.

It makes me very sad that the only affordable gym in WeHo has fallen. I think you closest low-cost option is the YMCA, which is near Selma and Vine.

3 years ago
Reply to  Randy

I wonder about Gold’s Gym?

I went to Crunch for a while and must not have ever caught the DJ, but I just don’t go for that “urban, industrial” decor, which is what John Reed Fitness seems go to to the max! I hate it!

cody warlock
cody warlock
3 years ago
Reply to  Gimmeabreak

The owner of Equinox gives money to donald trump. No way will I ever work out there.

3 years ago
Reply to  cody warlock

He may have also given money to Hillary. That’s what they do; they cover all the bases.

3 years ago

Fake tea – they weren’t denied access. They were waiting for the contractor to show up! hahaha

3 years ago
Reply to  SweetBBgirl

They were 100% denied access by 24hr fitness. They were waiting since 10am.

3 years ago
Reply to  SweetBBgirl

This is not true, sounds like deflection from 24hr fitness. You can see the contractors in the pictures. Stupid.

Brian Casey
Brian Casey
3 years ago
Reply to  WeHoLocalBoy

Why would 24 go to the trouble and expense of letting them in? 24 is still paying for the lease through the end of this month.

3 years ago

Excited to for John Reed to open next year! I like how you can just sign up for 1 month instead of a 12 month contract like Equinox.

3 years ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

Yes, I’m just thrilled that we have another luxury gym in WeHo. Just like bars, restaurants, grocery stores, etc., I think we need an option for every income level. It is sort of like rent control. Otherwise, it just pushes more people out of the City, and we turn more into Beverly Hills. I’m still mourning the loss of Gold Coast, and a few affordable eateries (e.g., BASIX, MARIX) because of the COVID pandemic. They are only being replaced by more expensive options.