John Heilman will be in the 2022 West Hollywood City Council race. First elected in 1984 Heilman served for over 30 years before being defeated in 2015 by Lauren Meister, Lindsey Horvath and John D’Amico.
2015 also saw the election of Council member Jeffrey Prang to become the LA County Assessor which left an open seat on the West Hollywood City Council. After Heilman’s defeat in the 2015 March election he opted in the race for the ‘special election’ in June 2015 to fill Prang’s seat. Heilman won handily defeating three challengers including Heidi Shink, Larry Block and Cole Ettman.
Heilman served out the remainder of Prang’s term and then ran for re-election in 2017 and was victorious. In 2020 Heilman ran again and was defeated by Sepi Shyne and John Erickson. Shyne was Heilman’s appointee to the Business License Commission and Erickson was Heilman’s appointee to the Planning Commission.
Term limits passed in 2013, and are retroactive. Each Council member is allowed to serve up to 3 terms. Heilman has one more term available to him should he become successful in his 2022 campaign.
On a phone call this morning Heilman confirmed his intent to run. The Heilman 2022 campaign will kick off with a fundraiser on April 2nd, at the Chapel.
WEHOville will present an exclusive Op-Ed with John Heilman prior to his kickoff event.
Career politician, a tired career politician.
Run when Erickson’s up for re-election, not against Mayor Meister. Don’t replace useful with useless. Replace bad with meh.
One of John Ericson’s first display of useless grandstanding was the reading of the Mueller Report with which he attempted to ingratiate himself into the sphere of thoughtful minds.
Hopefully John Heilman doesn’t endorse this type of disingenuous behavior.
Erickson is an embarrassment. You’ll notice him commenting on this site under various pseudonyms.
Fantastic news!
I honest to goodness can’t believe Heilman is back, to lose for a 3rd time. It’s astounding what little dignity he has. I’m convinced Heilman was on the council for so long that it was his only “claim to fame”, to coin a phrase, & he’s lost & lonely without it. I’m sure teaching a law class doesn’t give him enough power & personal attention to be satisfying, & it was so obvious that being on the council gave him an air of self-importance that he simply can’t find elsewhere. So, he’s back
You’re obsessed with him.
Why are you convinced of this? I’m curious. Do you know him?
Is there any chance that he loved being a public servant?
Robin, how obtuse! being one of the founders for the City Of West Hollywood, is a great claim to fame. However, you don’t know John Heilman. To make such a statement only reflects upon you. The length and breadth of John Heilman‘s accomplishments are astounding. John was elected to the first West Hollywood city council in 1984 and in 1985 he became mayor for the first time. But John Heilman has remained the People’s choice consistently throughout his tenure on the West Hollywood City Council. John has been the mayor in eight of his terms. yes, he was unseeded in… Read more »
Many thanks for setting me straight. Forgive me, but I never knew Heilman was unseeded. lol
Yay, John Heilman! We actually might get a “grown up” back on the dais besides, Meister! D’Amico’s nasty little comment is petty jealousy and bitterness and payback for years of him not getting his way on the Council (such as closing Robertson). He and the other “children” on the council, ALL with narcissistic arrogance, are using this platform of power, to make grand ideological social global actions to show “look how great we are” to get the media attention to show how we are the most socially conscience and caring humans on the planet – no matter the cost to our… Read more »
Grown up??? PATHETICALLY LAUGHABLE!! Most of us have lost count at his number of well-know hissy fits whilst in office. No, he’s definitely NOT a grown up…..rather, a petulant man-child. I’m sure this comment won’t be posted.
Let’s not forget the first term of John D’Amico that began on a petulant spat with John Heilman that exponentially grew into the problematic Deputy Michelle Rex drama which eventually led to banishment of the Deputy System. This city could be exceptional if it wasn’t so narrow minded and petty believing it is the pinnacle of social consciousness. It pretends to be all things to all people championing the personal agendas of various council members while remaining oblivious to the overarching issues of municipal government. It more closely resembles immature sorority and fraternity behavior with the additional benefit of staff… Read more »
Your point is noted However, your “digest” is far from accurate. Heilman’s accomplishments are many and not personal: 1) He authored the City’s rent control ordinance; 2) He championed Domestic Partnership long before Same Sex Marriage; and 3) He brought forward the City’s affordable housing law long before other Cities even began to enact such policies. By contrast, Mr. D’Amico, along with his friend Ed Buck, brought us the Fur Ban and on his own D’Amico invented Go-Go boy appreciation day.
I am for the smart guy-Heilman’ not the Ass-hat-D’Amico.
It was not my intention to diminish John Heilman’s accomplishments by nit mentioning them. Thank you for articulating them. What is disappointing is that Heilman has in effect undermined himself in several respects. While initiating and/or supporting other important ordinances he lost focus on the larger picture by over supporting what has become careless or unbridled development shaking the foundations of the city. It was done without balanced input despite being executed by qualified members of the planning department. He simply missed the point. Secondly, his wisdom should be questioned in the support he gave to John Erickson and Lindsey… Read more »
Lets not forget that another Council Deputy, Fran Solomon, was busted for campaigning for her boss’ re-election from City Hall during business hours.
Although the evidence of that was not made public, it would not be reasonable to strike a fair comparison, you have specifics to add.
Please add specifics if you have them regarding regarding the extent of Ms. Solomon’s transgressions.
Ian Owens over heard the campaigning from his adjoining office and he made the original accusation and Fran denied it saying Owens must have electronically bugged her office. The Sheriff came in an did a sweep for bugs, all very over dramatic. End of the day Fran was disciplined and temporarily suspended just before the whole Deputy system was abolished. At minimum she was calling to get people to participate in a campaign photo shoot while working at City Hall but it was never clear the extent of the campaigning. Heilman’s office initially issued a press release stating “any campaigning… Read more »
And if I’m not mistaken, I remember her getting a golden parachute. Which was ridiculous.
Looks like Heilman running again is as popular as Hitler visiting Israel.
Disgusting analogy. Delete this.
Get rid of the city council. Make Lauren Meister mayor and be done with it!
Agreed. Council has been corrupted.
No thanks. You’ve done enough damage.
I voted for Heilman at the last election but will not do so again. We need someone to isolate Erickson, not back him up. The incestuous cabal at City Hall needs to be broken up, so NO to Heilman this time.
cc: greeneyedguy
Is this you accusing me of being John Erickson (again)?
Lol i’m not voting for Heilman.
Term limits were not retroactive. (Legally they can’t be.) If they were someone elected in 1984 would have completed their third and final term in the mid-90s.
I believe he meant they are retroactive to 2013. With Heilman off the Council for 2 years, he is saying that it is retroactive to 2013, meaning Heilman has one term left.
Yawn, the whole crop of them need to be gone.
Scotty, Aye. And, if my grandmother had wheels, she’d be a wagon. Get back to yur Siesta Cantinta and shurt ur pie hole.
This is incredible news! Our city is dysfunctional, city hall can’t get anything done, and the council has no harmony. Hopefully John can save the day and put the city back on track. Thanks John!