Nika Soon-Shiong will step down from Public Safety Commission


Nika Soon-Shiong, who successfully led the push to defund the Sheriff’s Department, announced she will step down from the Public Safety Commission.

In an interview with, Soon-Shiong said she is resigning from the commission in order to finish her PhD at Oxford University, but that she “hopes to engage other contract cities around the process that was taken in WeHo.”

No date for her resignation has been set. Soon-Shiong was working on her thesis — cash transfer systems in India — when the pandemic struck and she returned to the U.S.

Soon-Shiong’s stint on the commission was short but her impact on public safety will be felt for years to come, in WeHo and beyond.

“We should look to the efforts of coalitions across LA County to challenge the LASD’s monopoly over public safety budgets and narratives,” she said. “I’d like to highlight the mobilization to pass an amendment to the sheriff’s charter (which was approved by the Board of Supervisors last week), as well as the work of the Civilian Oversight Commission to raise the issue of deputy gangs.”

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James Francis
James Francis
2 years ago

I have such disdain for people appointed who act like they control city community budget meetings, disregard our concerns pertaining to issues of violent crime, of homelessness, of physical theft and break ins, of street services and social services, and of housing and public works. No she wanted to dictate and ram her bully tactics to force outcomes of new laws or ordinances she had the audacity to say and I’m paraphrasing and quoting “my directives aren’t being followed and I want to know why the city failed in doing so” at city managers at a COMMUNITY INPUT budget forum… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by James Francis
James Francis
James Francis
2 years ago
Reply to  James Francis

Please insert correction spewed her rhetoric before anyone else

Excellent Observations
Excellent Observations
2 years ago
Reply to  James Francis

Excellent observations. I have carefully watched your valid and tactfully delivered comments at City Council and Public Safety. It is revealing that not one member of the city staff or council member engaged with you to discuss your insights. As for Ms.Soon- Shiong, her imperious ideas indicates she is desperately searching for purpose in her life. Arbitrary disruption appears to be her methodology

Robert Steloff
Robert Steloff
2 years ago
Reply to  James Francis

ABSOLUTELY correct! Have fun & enjoy your hopeful permanent residency elsewhere Nika!

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
2 years ago

Has any resident of this city actually engaged with this person who by all available record has never been registered to vote in the city in which she wreaked havoc and ushered in a period of angst and divisiveness before skipping town to return to Oxford? Freakin’ Lindsey Horvath will call me a racist for daring to ask the question. Hey Linds, was your appointee to PSC ever registered to vote in this city?

2 years ago

She sounds so busy “Racking up degrees from most famous Universities for resume …. Her ivy league CV worth less than the paper it’s printed on with no experience and time in any one post graduations jobs, fields, type of job too gain experience so great she needs to get a doctorate on the first hand research & experience for getting a specific doctorate I’m on her side and would gladly pick up slack or get into grubbies AND HELP PUSH HER OUT OF WEST HOLLYWOOD… Any and Every future possibility of having any thing to do with our City.… Read more »

2 years ago

Report cards and resumes follow a person everywhere. NSS will have a notable “F”on her efforts in West Hollywood. However she will get an “A” for disruption and divisiveness.

2 years ago

Google: Soon Shiong and Nantwest- enough said right there. Good riddance to her, She’s uninformed, & emotionally unintelligent.

2 years ago

Gender neutral bathrooms with floor to ceiling lock- ON THE INSIDE doors in your park will be a magnet for homeless, drug users and sex workers. Not just during the night. There will be RESIDENTS there 24/7. The community can forget using those bathrooms. You can call the bicycling security ambassadors but your child won’t get to use the toilets. Good work, gender neutral brainwashers!

Cy Husain
2 years ago
Reply to  Caroline

Nowhere in the article were ANY of those topics mentioned even once. This is just HATE SPAM misinformation being put out by angry TERFS ❗ The WEHOville needs to do a better job at filtering out such nonsense, as opposed to banning well sourced opinions they disagree with.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

Where have you been when this was determined? NSS walks in lock step with Horvath, Shyne & Erickson advocating plans to add divisiveness to Weho,

Cy Husain
2 years ago
Reply to  Divisivness

More like “divisiveness” would be when terfs🤮 scapegoat Trans People.

2 years ago
Reply to  Cy Husain

Terfs? Had to look that one up. Language and terminology for complicated simpletons. There is an entire world beyond the myopic West Hollywood that feels it is the axis of the universe. Xhklmopnsz!

2 years ago
Reply to  Caroline

Kings Road is a tiny heavily used residential street park. I’ve enjoyed the park, question the safety of their public bathrooms (,having never needed to use one so close to my home) I’m no expert, but I’ve never heard of the things I always imagine at city & beach bathrooms. Bur I have used beach toilets my way back & glad had it there to use. If it becomes a center for homeless to go to the bathroom & do minimal basic human daily self cleaning … Fantastic. They need these facilities. If it works at Kings Road Park (I… Read more »

2 years ago

Do not forget who appointed her VOTE OUT HORVATH.
Recall Gascon

2 years ago

She fulfilled her #1 goal which was her fathers LA times endorsement for Horvath. Best thing is to vote out anyone with her views and ties on public safety. Which should be political death wish. I give a tremnedous amount of credit to the journalists here for telling the whole truth. Defund has been dead across America.

2 years ago

Certain that Soon Shiong’s West Hollywood foibles will impress on the Oxford Curriculum Vitae.
“…One, two, three, four
Not your steppin’ stone…”
The Monkees

WeHo Conscience
WeHo Conscience
2 years ago

This is all Lindsey Horvath’s doing. The entire ‘Defund’ proposal is nothing more than a stunt for Horvath’s campaign for Supervisor. Remember it was Lindsey Horvath who appointed Nika Soon-Shiong to the commission. Horvath is directly responsible for giving sudden life and a quick platform to the idea. Without Horvath, there would be no ‘Defund’ proposal to adopt. It was Horvath who rushed to pass it through council before she left to run for higher office. Nika Soon-Shiong’s appointment ends when Horvath leaves the council in January. Nika merely resigned before she lost her seat and Horvath lost her position.… Read more »

Last edited 2 years ago by WeHo Conscience
2 years ago

NOT “SOON” enough! She needs to go back home to her multimillionaire father,  Los Angeles Times owner Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong. Get out of WeHo and never cross our city limits again.

Michael Ferrera
Michael Ferrera
2 years ago

There was no “defunding” of the LASD. Why is this publication using right wing and inaccurate terminology? Shouldn’t you be reporting truth?

Larry Block
2 years ago

your comment is posted but is not accurate, or reflective of the truth as you say. There is a timetable to remove 2 deputies in 90 days and then two more. there are a net 5 deputies on plan to be removed, with one entertainment police behind restored for a net loss of 4 deputies over the next 6-9 months. Cuts made at the onset of Covid has also not been restored.

2 years ago
Reply to  Larry Block

Thanks, Larry. How arrogant it is to say that cutting the police isn’t defunding the police. I smell a Horvath supporter!

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
2 years ago
Reply to  Larry Block

Yes, thank you for pointing out that those early COVID cuts were never restored.

Cy Husain
2 years ago
Reply to  Larry Block

The deception runs both ways. In the first months of the COVID-19 Pandemic the county’s jail population declined significantly from over 17,000 residents to under 12,000 where it remains today and, the funding per inmate reflects this. Los Angeles City & County funds law enforcement above & beyond anything else, West Hollywood leaders with Nika Soon-Shiong 👩🏽‍🎓 simply want to set aside money for other safety programs that are proven more effective than law enforcement.

2 years ago

That rock you live under must be HUGE!