Lindsey Horvath mural slapped with code violation


The mural on Santa Monica Blvd. and Robertson Blvd. featuring a larger-than-life portrait of Councilmember Lindsey Horvath in a political ad for her county supervisor race has received a code violation from the City of West Hollywood.

The city cited AGA Pasadena Group, Illoulian Management, LLC and Faring Property Group Inc. — specifically Jerry and Jason Illoulian, the manager of AGA and the CEO of Faring, respectively — for the ad, which exceeded the two temporary signs in combination of no more than 50 square feet, a violation of the West Hollywood Municipal Code, case no. CE-040131.

The citation lists 19.34.030 Table 3-12 of the code — which allows for two temporary sales and promotional signs at 50 total square feet — as the violated ordinance.

The Code Compliance Division instructs the recipients to “please paint over het text or images in excess of the allowable sign area and allowable number of signs or remove and replace the plywood sections in excess of the allowable sign area and allowable number of signs.” The citation says administrative penalties will follow if the corrective action is not completed.

The mural appeared last week replacing a piece of public art celebrating the LGBTQIA+ community by artists Lauren YS.

The mural has a placard which names a PAC —Neighbors for Lindsey Horvath — as the entity which paid for the political advertisement.


Two weeks ago, Horvath voted to move forward on the development project under construction at the site of the mural. The applicant on that project is Faring Property Group Inc.

Any prior knowledge of the mural’s creation or installation by Horvath would constitute a violation of the laws that allow Neighbors for Lindsey Horvath to receive and spend political donations on behalf of the candidate.

The group has until today to remedy the violation.

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Robert Bryant
Robert Bryant
2 years ago

Now that Ive learned Horvath is responsible for right wing anti-gay bigot Samual Alito on our Supreme Court because of her support for republican George W Bush I cannot look at the mural and un-see the truth about her. She has some explaining and apologizing to do to the gay community that calls WEHO home.

2 years ago

Government is not based on “good looks”.

2 years ago

@LindseyHorvathneeds to be run out of town, forever. She apparently thinks she is above the law!

2 years ago
Reply to  JRBirdsong

Seriously – you are 100% CORRECT. She is not the same person when voted into office (many many yrs) I think a lot of voters who voted her in are unaware of the degree of corruption she not work at like a daily job. I’m pretty sure I voted for her, but I saw the radical change both in her and the long standing general practices of basics from trash, parking permits and even what sounds like an empty unstaffed City Hall Building with a not fully refined auto transfer amongst God know who and where the person on the… Read more »

WeHo Mary!
WeHo Mary!
2 years ago

Is it a naughty schoolgirl kink? Just curious.

2 years ago

Could have this been Faring’s attempt to move Horvath on and OUT of West Hollywood directly? Certainly worth the price of a few citations.

2 years ago

beauty is in the eye of the beholder BUT beauty is NOT exterior but inside as well which Lindsey Horvarth IS NOT!!!

2 years ago

a bit pervy

2 years ago

The ad is still there here as of Saturday, September 10. This is called special treatment or above the law.

WeHo Mary!
WeHo Mary!
2 years ago

I’m shocked that they haven’t relocated this to Tom Wiscombe’s stupid electronic billboard on Sunset.

2 years ago

Mission accomplished!

Dan Sweaterhly
Dan Sweaterhly
2 years ago

Lol. The LGBTQIA+ are upset about Lindsey on buildings but we’re totally cool when ACAB graffiti goes up. Real rich, gays.

Joe Bologna
Joe Bologna
2 years ago
Reply to  Dan Sweaterhly

Exactly. I actually agree on this one. It’s like living in bizarro world.

Last edited 2 years ago by Joe Bologna
2 years ago

So the owners of the proposed Robertson Lane Hotel are the owners of the building with the mural. They have a deadline of today to remove. We need to hold them accountable. If we don’t, they will keep pushing their limits and eventually sue the city for being regulated. Study the AKA hotel in West Hollywood. The building which was not permitted to be a hotel is now a hotel.

Dedicated to Billboards & Cannabis
Dedicated to Billboards & Cannabis
2 years ago
Reply to  WehoDoug

These fine folks are also set to erase Hornburg Jaguar /Range Rover on Sunset west of Doheny to produce some earth shattering billboard configuration. So much for their dedication to Historic Buildings. 🙄🙄🙄

Cannabis is apparently potentially more profitable than the development game.

Joe Bologna
Joe Bologna
2 years ago

Is this true?!? Ridiculous. Next they’re probably going to tear down the empty Geffen Records building, which is also a landmark.

Dedicated to Billboards & Cannabis
Dedicated to Billboards & Cannabis
2 years ago
Reply to  Joe Bologna

Don’t be surprised if he sells out also. Although he has $$$$$$$, he has little character and ethics.

Unscrupulous Lindsey Horvath
Unscrupulous Lindsey Horvath
2 years ago
Reply to  WehoDoug

Is there any possibility to have Lindsey Horvath’s charged with any type of violation for inspiring and/or engendering this hideous mural?

2 years ago

Unfortunately, she will NOT be charged since she has SO MANY officials in her pocket!!!