Ashlei Shyne, the wife of West Hollywood Council member Sepi Shyne, took to social media to announce their separation after 11 years. While asking for ‘privacy’, Ashlei announced the separation on her social media account.
Ashlei Shyne is an actress. She is described on IMDB an LA-based comedy writer, actress, filmmaker, and activist hailing from Dayton, Ohio. She is the founder of Rainbow Bright Comedy. A BIPOC LGBTQ+ improv troupe. As an activist Ashlei serves on the board of Still Bisexual, and on the #Out4MentalHealth San Fernando Valley Task Force. She served on the Community Engagement Committee for the Human Rights Campaign Los Angeles as well as the 2018 & 2019 planning committee that brought the world’s first city-sponsored Bi Pride to the city of West Hollywood. Ashlei’s love for community and visibility has helped her create programs like Sacred Space: A Black LGBTQ+ Wellness Event, which centers around providing a safe space where Black LGBTQ+ members can receive healing from other Black LGBTQ+ wellness practitioners. Bi Visibility in Film, a one-day film festival that celebrates Bi+ stories and storytellers.
Despite Ashlei’s accomplishments there is no Wikipedia page for the actress under the name Ashlei Shyne.
Sepi Ghafouri adopted Ashlei Shyne’s last name after their marriage. While it is a traditional custom for traditional women to take the ‘man’s’, last name, Sepi has been an activist for equality and women’s rights. Sepi did not change the name of her legal office. There is no reference to the ‘Shyne’ name at the Sepi Ghafouri Law Office which specializes in business law and intellectual property and is located in Century City.
During Black History Month, Council member Shyne brought forward an item proposing an event involving Ashlei. The event — “Sacred Space,” a wellness-themed Zoom conference featuring meditation and breathing exercises — was hosted by Ashlei, the event’s creator and a board member of the organization in charge of it. The proposal requested $850 from city coffers to cover the cost of the practitioners plus supplies and a gift for the attendees. The proposal noted that Ashlei Shyne would be volunteering as host without compensation but was the only person of color in the organization.
The question for 2024 is what name will Council member Shyne use to run for re-election. Will she continue to use her ex’s last name or will the Sepi Gharfouri run for West Hollywood City Council as a proud Iranian woman, with a Persian last name that would be the first name of Persian heritage on the city council dais.
It infuriates me that this article was posted, about something that is a personal matter, and has absolutely nothing to do with the constituents of West Hollywood, or what one would consider “newsworthy.” And what a catty, awful, article title. Do you want this to be the New York Post? How about articles that matter to the public? Not interfering on people’s public lives? Would writers of this publication want their relationships and break-up’s published for all to see? So Sepi is going through a separation, why do we need to know? It reminds me of posts from Hank Scott,… Read more »
Are you blaming the media for a post on social media by the wife of the council member. Ashley put this into the public sphere and is the one who should be held accountable.
I agree that Ashlei should get the apartment, especially if it is rent controlled, and the successful lawyer can ask unite here to buy her a condo.
A condo of course, considering the buyer, guaranteed with a housekeeper unionized with their salary picked up by the union. For more votes from the so-called equity person of color from Caucasian Iran. Not to confuse all this Union talk. When I say equity I don’t mean to stage actors guild. I mean that word that goes along with all that woke slop that comes out of the mouth of the dreadful SHE! Shyne, Horvath and Erickson.
good grief
Then shut your mouth, stop typing and back away from your phone/tablet/pc. Your spew does nothing to enhance your commission seat or your social position. And as playground bullies once said, “ it takes one to know one.”
You’re insane. How is this a way to speak?
In two years, we get rid of her. No more Shyne. Along with Biden who thinks a dead woman’s in his audience and Harris who thinks North Korea is a republic. Get rid of all these Nazicrats.
They think they’re world-famous celebs! It’s like Michael Dolan or Joan Henehen saying they “endorse” someone! Who are they to endorse? They think they’re of great importance! Famous people endorse and ask for privacy. Me thinks they want to be bigger than they are and have a lot of “self-importance.”
And you think its fit that you serve on a commission?
Boards and commissions have become playgrounds for incestuous cabals, cults of personality, and fields of egos. They are not about the people’s business.
Typical political con artist I never did or would ever vote for this progressive BS that has hijacked our city.
I am divorced as are many other residents of this city. Is a council person’s divorce newsworthy? Sure. But what isn’t typical is this level of snark and lack of compassion. Two people are ending their marriage which is painful enough without public cruelty. It’s so disappointing- but not at all surprising- to read this anonymous ‘news story’ and to read these comments. This information was taken from Ashley Shyne’s SOCIAL MEDIA acct and without permission. If you have an opinion about the policies that a politician supports: Fair game. Otherwise: THIS is what keeps me from promoting news items… Read more »
Unfortunately these two individuals have brought it on themselves, being slaves to social media and self promotion rather than relying on dignity and integrity.
These two individuals are mighty uninteresting as they fail to exhibit expansive qualities for all but continue in a narrow self serving manner to magnify their own perceived victimhood.
Municipal positions whether they be on the city council, a board or commission is not an opportunity for personal advancement rather it is an opportunity for evolution of the community on a broader holistic scale.
Says the person calling themselves Dignity Needed. *side eye*
Are you saying this about every politician? Or just the women running or sitting in office.
My remarks have nothing to do with women or any descriptive that folks use. Dignity and authenticity are core qualities not often found but happens to be my barometer.
BS. They didn’t “bring it on themselves.” BS. Sepi’s personal life shouldn’t be a part of a dialogue, unless we are reading a gossip rag.
This has to be one of the stupidest comments I’ve seen on Wehoville™️. Anyone who doesn’t realize that getting into politics means you’re going to be exposed to all kinds of criticism, hatred, bigotry etc, is a fool. It’s been that way for hundreds of years. Have you seen any political cartoons from the 19th century? Hopefully, Sepi will toughen up and not worry so much about what people are saying.
BS. This has has is not in the public interest. Just because you hate her, doesn’t mean you should support this kind of thing.
This is the first time I have ever had any respect for the ao-called actress/activist Ms. Shyne.
Was Sepi trying to hide her ethnic-sounding last name while falsely claiming to be a Person of Color?
I have zero idea who these people are. On to more important matters. Did you hear the new Ozzy Osbourne album? Unfortunately it’s only got like one good song on it. That’s a true travesty.