‘You haven’t seen the last of me’ warns Nika Soon-Shiong


Nika Soon-Shiong bid farewell to West Hollywood and her colleagues on the Public Safety Commission by rehashing a familiar list of grievances at her final meeting Monday night.

The billionaire heiress, appointed by Councilmember Lindsey Horvath less than a year ago, is leaving town to finish her studies at Oxford. Her successful work getting WeHo to pull funding from the sheriff’s department drew much scrutiny from the public and the media — too much, in her opinion.

“This experience unleashed a completely overwhelming amount of hate, misinformation, racism and misogyny,” Soon-Shiong said.

She appeared to place the blame squarely on WEHOville’s shoulders.

“It started with a local blog that reached out to me describing their personal fascination* with me, not the substance of my ideas, but me — and then dedicated way too much time into crafting a caricature that I do not recognize,” she said, decrying our parodical illustrations of her as “not normal.”

She then vowed to return one day, ominously declaring “You haven’t seen the last of me.”

Commissioner Jackie Steele echoed the implication that Soon-Shiong had been the victim of bullying by this publication before taking a jab of her own.


“It’s a blog,” she said. “Who cares about a local blog filled with misinformation with about seven commenters? My dog has more followers. It’s not that interesting, period.”

Well, at least we got her nails right.

*My only correspondence with Soon-Shiong. She did not reply.

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[…] herself said she was the victim of a “completely overwhelming amount of hate, misinformation, racism and […]

2 years ago

Would that be a threat, Miss Soon?

Rudi Logan
Rudi Logan
2 years ago

I always come away from these letters sections feeling so much better about myself, as though I’m the last happy person in West Hollywood.

Linda Cauthen
2 years ago
Reply to  Rudi Logan

Not quite the last. I think pretty much the same thing.

2 years ago

If I were her dog, I’d feel very unsafe… for numerous reasons. Including the fact that people who have social media accounts for their pets are wackadoodles.

2 years ago

Thank you for letting me know that Lindsey Horvath is responsible for this train wreck that has destroyed the safety of our city, while living behind secured fences.

No Whackadoodles!
No Whackadoodles!
2 years ago
Reply to  Edie

Campaign mailers and emails from Horvath ofter appear to be from her dog.🙄 Whackadoodle for Supervisor?

Michael Dolan
Michael Dolan
2 years ago

I see Nika Soon-Shiong road is paved with good intentions, but???…

2 years ago

Someone please throw a bucket of water on her.

2 years ago
Reply to  JF1

ICE water! (but, I’llI take boiling for $5)

Last edited 2 years ago by Suzy
2 years ago
Reply to  Suzy

I’ll call you $5 and take $10.

Robert Steloff
2 years ago
Reply to  Suzy

Let’s just hope to god or whomever, that we NEVER see this privileged horrid creature again. It was great having her ‘privilege’ brought to fruition, exercised, & exhibited by Lindsey Horvath. A perfect platform to transition herself into her new LA County position.

Stephen Sacks
Stephen Sacks
2 years ago

The Soon Shiongs are a hateful racist bigoted clan devoted to the destruction of Los Angeles.
Particularly ironic given that the elder grew up in apartheid South Africa. One would think he would be sensitive to race-baiting. Alas, not.

Peter B
Peter B
2 years ago
Reply to  Stephen Sacks

And South Africa+ 34 others just abstained from condemning Russia’s annexations in Ukraine at the UN. Thanks buddies!

2 years ago
Reply to  Peter B

Russia didn’t give two cents when they were treated like Slaves.

2 years ago

Serious question: where are the examples of the “racism” and “misogyny” she claims were unleashed? Does she actually point to specific examples or is she just making a blanket statement that we are all expected to accept as fact because she declared it to be so?

mark feigin
mark feigin
2 years ago

the crazy woke left always plays the racism card –

Calling a spade a spade
Calling a spade a spade
2 years ago
Reply to  mark feigin

That’s cuz the republicans of today, are mostly racist POS!!

Calling a spade a spade
Calling a spade a spade
2 years ago

Actually, I’d point to January 6th to say that you MAGAts are the violent fascists. But you’d just say it’s fake news. 🙄

mark feigin
mark feigin
2 years ago

tbis creepy antiamerican idiot has no place in west hollywood – she is allied with the chinese communist party and wants to see america ruinrd and destroyed –

2 years ago
Reply to  mark feigin

You hit the nail on the head here

2 years ago

The big Q I have is why does ONE council member have the power to appoint someone to such a consequential position?

More Credibility Needed
More Credibility Needed
2 years ago
Reply to  Rodrigo

Commissioners should have broader requirements and be voted in by the full city council.

2 years ago

That makes too much sense for Wee Hoe.

2 years ago
Reply to  Rodrigo

Ask Horvath her manipulative brain got her to a LA county Supervisor ballot for vote in November.