JOHN DURAN: Why you should vote for me


I am human.  I have made mistakes in the past.  And when those mistakes involved the city, I took responsibility and apologized publicly to the community when it happened.   But looking at my 20 years of service to the community, I think the good far outweighs the bad.  

I was one of the co-authors to create our own WestHollywood police department back in 1991.  Although that effort failed, it did open the window for reform of the Sheriff’s Department.   We have come a long way working in partnership with law enforcement over the past 30 years and it is quite telling that I now have the endorsement of the sheriff deputies – not based on politics – but based on the hard work in that partnership.  If elected, I will restore full funding to our sheriff’s department.   The defunding of the police was a terrible error by the current council.  

My work on alcoholism and addiction is evident every day near Robertson and Melrose.   The permanent placement of the West Hollywood Recovery Center on Robertson is my handiwork.   The preservation and rescue of the Log Cabin facility across the street is also my handiwork.   Thousands of recovering alcoholics in our community are grateful for the work done on this corner.   And I am grateful to the many who worked with me to save it.  

Our high level of social services is directly attributable to our strong economic base and entertainment/hotel taxes.   The current war with the chamber of commerce and hotels is self defeating.  The city always worked in partnership with our businesses for decades while I was on council.   This symbiotic synergy must be restored.  

Finally, I have spent over 3 decades living in this city.   I didn’t just get here like some of the other candidates and decide to run for council to further a political career.  I have dedicated much of my adult life to the community of West Hollywood and its people.   What is lacking on the current city council is pragmatism and common sense.   They are being driven by ideology rather than service to community and residents.   If I return to council, I will make sure that common sense returns to the dais during my last 4 years – and I will recruit like minded individuals to follow after me who care about public service rather than ego.   I respectfully ask for your vote.  Sorry, there are no polls available at the moment.

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About John Duran
John Duran, a criminal defense lawyer, served on the West Hollywood City Council for 20 years, 2001-2020.

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2 years ago

John served long enough. During his last term he embarrassed himself and the city and it cost time and money distracting from city business. Thank you for your past service but it’s not in our best interests to have you serve again. You had plenty of years on the council, did some good, but only ego would compel a return and that’s not really what we need.

2 years ago

I am conflicted about John Duran. He did a lot of good for the city for the time he served as city councilman,but his shenanigans during his last term was something to behold.

What assurances do the voters have to make sure the nonsense doesn’t continue? Duran is turning into Edward Kennedy who had caused several personal scandals that punted his effectiveness in the US Senate.The Chappaquiddick incident when he was senator comes to mind.

2 years ago

I am voting for John Duran and I have been highly critical of him over the years and on these pages. But John Duran cares more about West Hollywood than nine of the other candidates; Lauren Meister and Steve Martin being the other two that care as much if not more. John Duran will restore the West Hollywood Sheriff department to pre-COVID levels, Duran will bring common sense applications to our city’s none existent homeless programs (i.e.: Councilman Erickson believes we have the lowest homeless rate in years and believes the city houses less than 40 homeless persons as he… Read more »

2 years ago

I’d rather vote Trump in.

Eastside Straight Girl
Eastside Straight Girl
2 years ago

After accidentally hearing John on the radio about 2 months ago talking about why we residents of West Hollywood should put him back in a council seat, I was convinced this would be one of the people that I would vote for! On the debates & forum, he was very clear why he wants our votes. Besides all that he has done during the time in the past, John is a very smart guy so don’t think for a second that he will make the same embarrassing mistakes again. Haven’t we ALL done things we wished we hadn’t? I sure… Read more »

carleton cronin
2 years ago

Warts and all, John is eminently human and no more flawed than any other candidate. I have always liked John for his directness and honesty about himself.

2 years ago

things are bad but not bad enough to bring this John back. He is a HR problem.

Woody McBreairty
Woody McBreairty
2 years ago

I never voted for John Duran before – until now. I think it’s important that he be given this, his last term, to help steer the ship back on course before it drifts further into the abyss. There are serious corrections that need to be made & this is not the time for another “newbie” to quite possibly only add to the inexperience & incompetence of the last couple of years. No time for OJT this time. Duran is sincere in his love for West Hollywood & has done many good things for the city & has been a trouper… Read more »

John Arnold
John Arnold
2 years ago

You’ve done a lot for the city, John. Thank you.

2 years ago
Reply to  John Arnold

Yes, great comment, I also thank John.

2 years ago

That’s why I’m voting for John Duran!


[…] Source […]

2 years ago

You’ve got my vote. We need someone who knows what they’re doing, how to get it done quickly. Someone who can work together with Lauren Meister to get this city back on track. Refund the sheriff’s department, fix our relationship with the business community. Bring sanity back to our council. Fight the extremists that are in the backpacker of Unite Here 11.

2 years ago
Reply to  JF1

Fight the extremists that are in the back pocket of Unite Here 11.