Decline Shyne campaign surpasses signature threshold to start recall


A campaign to recall Sepi Shyne has gathered the necessary signatures to begin a recall campaign.

Shyne is currently serving in her first term on the West Hollywood City Council. She launched her campaign for Congress just weeks after accepting the ceremonial role and title of Mayor. , Alan Strasburg, along with other residents gathering signatures reported just shy of 100 signatures. It takes only 60 verified signatures to begin the recall process.

A recall would require 20% of registered voters to place on the ballot. It is not clear whether the campaign will continue to gather signatures or effect the recall. Once the signatures are presented to City Clerk Melissa Crowder and verified, the campaign would have 120 days to gather the necessary signatures to place the recall on the ballot or fail.

A copy of the Recall petition is below:

TO THE HONORABLE SEPI SHYNE: Pursuant to Section 11020, California Elections Code, the undersigned registered qualified voters of the City of West Hollywood, in Los Angeles County, in the State of California, hereby give notice that we are the proponents of a recall petition and that we intend to seek your recall and removal from the office as a Member of City Council, in the City of West Hollywood, and to demand the election of a successor in that office.

The grounds for this recall are as follows: Councilmember Shyne has engaged in multiple egregious actions that have harmed the residents of our city. She retaliated against a rape victim who spoke out through a local media channel, and she also retaliated against a disabled resident. She attacked a former board member of the Chamber of Commerce and attempted to have him removed from his position. She voted to defund the police, leaving our city vulnerable to rising crime rates. She lied about taking money from unions, betraying the trust of her constituents. She appointed commissioners who have engaged in discriminatory behavior, promoting an unfair and unequal environment. Additionally, she prioritizes public policy for people who live outside the city, rather than residents. She governs through spitefulness and vindictiveness, and has sold out our business community, leaving them without a voice. She consistently violates many provisions of the First Amendment, interfering with resident’s right to free expression and our right to petition the government for redress of grievances. Shyne announced her run for Congress before completing one term as an elected member of the West Hollywood City Council. For these reasons, we the people must take action to recall Councilmember Shyne and prevent further harm to our city.


A source close to the Shyne camp have told WEHOville off the record that Shyne has stated that she is ready to quit the race for Congress if she does not raise x dollars by x date. That number was believed to be 100,000, An email fundraiser days before the 3/31 fundraising deadline stated that she was close to her goal of $75,000. After the deadline Shyne thanked everyone for blowing past her goal.

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1 year ago

How on earth did she get elected in the first place. Are the pickins’ so slim? How many people voted for her? How many people in WeHO even BOTHER to vote? Do we simply not care about WeHo? Apparently NOT! It is very sad that we have to scrape the bottom of the barrel!!

1 year ago

I have not signed it. I would like to do. so.

John Arnold
John Arnold
1 year ago

Is it necessary for the City Clerk to mention it during Monday’s City Council Meeting?”

Larry Block
1 year ago
Reply to  John Arnold

John, think you need to reread the article and why would she say anything before signatures are verified or even turned in.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
1 year ago

In some ways this is a very sad milestone. This is the first time in our history any Council member has faced a serious recall effort. While it seems a lifetime ago, just three years ago Sepi swept into office with a very convincing first place finish. She had support from many progressives and long time local activists; unfortunately she has managed to alienate thousands of residents who had higher hopes for her and for the City. Sepi’s ill-advised decision to run for Congress only draws attention her deficiencies in leadership as a City Council member and reinforces the perception… Read more »

Alan Strasburg
Alan Strasburg
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

Well said, Steve. I have to admit after having coffee with her late in the 2020 campaign that I, too, was duped. I am thankful that I saw the writing on the wall in some of her divisive statements and I pulled my vote from her at the last minute. I was disappointed then, and my disappointment in her performance continues, and grows. My biggest disappointment is for the city of West Hollywood and the increasingly divided nature of our civic discourse, and for that I place blame directly at Sepi’s feet. She has positioned the entire city in far… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Alan Strasburg
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

Did you take a look at her demeaning nature and self serving mentality?
Or is that just ok cuz she won votes.
How many times are voters fools it happened with Horvath.

Unfit For Public Office
Unfit For Public Office
1 year ago
Reply to  Toms

She appears to exhibit an array of psychological and social problems too numerous to list.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
1 year ago
Reply to  Toms

Actually, it wasn’t obvious. Lots of people thought she was a valid alternative when we were looking for a change in the status quo. Unfortunately we didn’t get change for the better. But having given her every benefit of the doubt, it is clear she is really not mature enough to hold public office.

Joseph Balogna
Joseph Balogna
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Martin

Ain’t nothing wrong withe status quo, as we have learned here.

Woke Up Weho
Woke Up Weho
1 year ago

I’m sure she’s getting money from BBB. Sue her for breach at public trust. Get rid of her forever so we never have to look at more political hacks like her.

1 year ago

I was contacted by the city rent control program (I’m on the list) a week after I signed the petition after not hearing from them for decades. Coincidence? I doubt it. Trying to either get me under city control or to buy votes. I think an investigation needs to take place.

1 year ago
Reply to  Londa

She WILL retaliate! We all need to be aware of this and investigate it to stop it, collectively. Hers are Mafia intimidation tactics, but they will not succeed if we band together, have each other’s backs, look for the retaliation, call it out, and progressively discipline her. The Recall is one tactic, DEMANDING that the rest of the City Council censure her is another. RISE UP FIGHT BACK!

1 year ago
Reply to  Outraged

After all she has shown us; how could anyone imagine she will not retaliate? Forewarned is forearmed. This Ayatollah telegraphs her punches.

1 year ago

Having a wine-spritzer tonight to celebrate!!!

1 year ago

This is a good start. The Rent Control Board is finally rid of Richard Maggio, (how about an article, Larry!), if we could get rid of Sepi, the two most dislikable people will be gone. We need integrity, accountability and some honesty. Well done to the organizers of this. Sadly, it’s not a done deal, as the freeloaders who vote for Sepi could care less about what a universally horrible person she is, but rather they only care about nearly free rent and punishing landlords who invested in the City.

1 year ago

Where do I sign it’s too late for her. She exposed her true mentality it’s nasty.
Take note for those that voted for her.

Larry Block
1 year ago
Reply to  Toms

you can download a form and gather ten signatures. copy of form on link.

Concerned for the Future
Concerned for the Future
1 year ago

Shyne says she will “quit the race” if she doesn’t raise enough money by a designated date. That doesn’t/won’t change the fact that she used our CC ONLY as a springboard to a higher political office. She deserves no further “favors” from our city. If she ends up staying on the council, we must make sure she’s a one-term council member. I’ve lived here since far prior to 1984 & knew pretty well those who were elected to the 1st CC. They all turned out to be dignified, professional & dedicated, & despite their inexperience, they did an outstanding job… Read more »

Then There's This
Then There's This
1 year ago

Mostly so, but I have to add that, although Terrigno was probably capable & professional as a CC member, her arrest, conviction & incarceration for embezzlement, kind of overshadowed her “dignity”. lol. Although her criminal behavior preceded her election to the CC., it was bound to catch up with her, as it did.

Steve Martin
Steve Martin
1 year ago

As a candidate Valerie Terrigno was a charismatic figure that mobilized the gay community and brought high hopes for future. Her fall, although self inflicted, was tragic, but we moved on. But through it all, including the devastation wrought by AIDS, the City managed to defy expectations of early failure and flourished despite the nay sayers. That is a reason to be proud of our City.

1 year ago

The audacity to say don’t worry I will quit the race if I dont raise enough money! Does she think she’s doing people a favor

1 year ago

A very good day for West Hollywood!

Ham Shipey
Ham Shipey
1 year ago

The whole CC needs to go. We need people who will focus on the basics of running a city……and end the special interest focus.

Woke Up Weho
Woke Up Weho
1 year ago
Reply to  Ham Shipey

Yes, get rid of all of them. They represent no one except themselves. Would you want to hang out with any of them? Unfortunately, if anyone who’s planning on moving here and watched that city council meeting they would never buy or rent in this city. With this group of third rate political hacks running it! Recall all of them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Ham Shipey

You have repeatedly stated you don’t live in West Hollywood. So these people don’t even represent you.

Woke Up Weho
Woke Up Weho
1 year ago
Reply to  greeneyedguy

They represent me. And I loathe all of them.

1 year ago
Reply to  Woke Up Weho

I wasn’t replying to you, Michael.